Setup Angular project for local development
Perform the clone-to-launch steps with these terminal commands.
> git clone quickstart
> cd quickstart
> npm install (installs all the necessary node modules)
> npm start
DELETE non-essential files (optional)
You can quickly delete the non-essential files that concern testing and QuickStart repository maintenance (including all git-related artifacts such as the .git folder and .gitignore!). Do this only in the beginning to avoid accidentally deleting your own tests and git setup!
OS/X (bash)
> xargs rm -rf < non-essential-files.osx.txt
> rm src/app/*.spec*.ts
> rm non-essential-files.osx.txt
> for /f %i in (non-essential-files.txt) do del %i /F /S /Q
> rd .git /s /q
> rd e2e /s /q