6/10/2015 - 3:50 PM

Mailchimp JavaScript

Mailchimp JavaScript

	//Success Message. Message that fades in once the user has successfully been subscribed.
	var success_message = "Successfully Subscribed";
	//Success Message. Message that fades in once the user has successfully been subscribed.
    	var already_subscribed_message = "Your are already subscribed to our mailing list.";

	//Unsubscribe Message. Message that shows up when a user has removed their email from your mailing list.
	var unsubscribe_message = "You have been removed from our email list";
	//This is the color that will be used for both the subscribe and unsubscribe error messages.
	var message_color = "#2398C9";
	//preload loading gif
	  loading = new Image(); 
	  loading.src = loading_path;
 function addSubscriber(api_key, id, email,firstname,lastname,response_message_id){
	if( window.location.href.indexOf("https") != -1 ){
	 	url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + module_path + "?action=subscribe&api_key=" + encodeURIComponent(api_key) + "&id=" + id + "&email_address=" + email + "&merge_vars[FNAME]=" + firstname + "&merge_vars[LNAME]=" + lastname + "&output=json";
	 	 url = "http://" + window.location.hostname + module_path + "?action=subscribe&api_key=" + encodeURIComponent(api_key) + "&id=" + id + "&email_address=" + email + "&merge_vars[FNAME]=" + firstname + "&merge_vars[LNAME]=" + lastname + "&output=json";
	if(response_message_id == 'checkbox_message'){
    	$('#' + response_message_id ).css('display','block');
	 $('#' + response_message_id ).html('<img src=' + loading_path + ' border="0"  />');

		$.get(url, function(data){
   			data = jQuery.trim(data);   
				if(data == "true"){
					$('#' + response_message_id ).css('color',message_color);
					$('#' + response_message_id ).text(success_message).fadeIn(1000) ;

					data = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"");
					var myObject = jQuery.parseJSON( data );

                        if(myObject.code == 214){
                        	$('#' + response_message_id ).html(already_subscribed_message).fadeIn(1000);
                            $('#' + response_message_id ).html(myObject.error).fadeIn(1000);
						if(document.getElementById('newsletter_checkbox') != null){
							$('input[name=newsletter]').attr('checked', false);		
 		}); //end .get
     if(response_message_id == 'checkbox_message'){
        setTimeout(function() { $('#' + response_message_id ).css('display','none').fadeOut(slow); }, 7000);
	} //end add Subscriber
function removeSubscriber(api_key, id, email,delete_member,send_goodbye,send_notify,response_message_id){
    if( window.location.href.indexOf("https") != -1 ){
	  url = "https://" + window.location.hostname + module_path + "?action=unsubscribe&api_key=" + encodeURIComponent(api_key) + "&id=" + id + "&email_address=" + email + "&delete_member=" + delete_member + "&send_goodbye=" + send_goodbye + "&send_notify=" + send_notify +"&output=json";
	 	url = "http://" + window.location.hostname + module_path + "?action=unsubscribe&api_key=" + encodeURIComponent(api_key) + "&id=" + id + "&email_address=" + email + "&delete_member=" + delete_member + "&send_goodbye=" + send_goodbye + "&send_notify=" + send_notify +"&output=json";
    if(response_message_id == 'checkbox_message'){
    	$('#' + response_message_id ).css('display','block');
	   		$( '#' + response_message_id ).html('<img src=' + loading_path + ' border="0"  />');
				$.get(url, function(data){
					data = $.trim(data);
					if(data == "true"){
						$('#' + response_message_id ).css('color',message_color);
						$('#' + response_message_id ).text(unsubscribe_message).fadeIn(1000);
						data = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"");
						var myObject = jQuery.parseJSON( data );
						$('#' + response_message_id ).css('color',message_color);
						$('#' + response_message_id ).html(myObject.error).fadeIn(1000);
        if(response_message_id == 'checkbox_message'){
            setTimeout(function() { $('#' + response_message_id ).css('display','none').fadeOut(slow); }, 7000);

	function disableCheckbox(){
		$('#newsletter_checkbox').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
	function enableCheckbox(){
 	function addEmail(){
        var email = $('#mailchimp_email').val();

		if( api_key == '' || list_id == ''){
			alert("Please enter your MailChimp API Key and select a list in the Miva Merchant admin under utilities.");
			addSubscriber(api_key, list_id, email, '', '','message');
		return false;			
 	function removeEmail(){
        var email = $('#mailchimp_email').val();
		if( api_key == '' || list_id == ''){
			alert("Please enter your MailChimp API Key and select a list in the Miva Merchant admin under utilities.");
			removeSubscriber(api_key, list_id, email, 'false', 'false', 'false','message');
		return false;			

function mailchimp_checkbox(){

		//set variables
		var isChecked =	 $('input[name=newsletter]:checked').val();
		var shippingEmail = $('#ShipEmail').val();
		var shippingFirstName = $('#ShipFirstName').val();
		var shippingLastName = $('#ShipLastName').val();
		if (shippingEmail == ''){
			alert("Please enter your email address above and try again.");
			$('input[name=newsletter]').attr('checked', false);	
		}else if(shippingFirstName == ''){
			alert("Please enter your first name above and try again.");
			$('input[name=newsletter]').attr('checked', false);	
		}else if(shippingLastName == ''){
			alert("Please enter your last name above and try again.");
			$('input[name=newsletter]').attr('checked', false);	
			if( api_key == '' || list_id == ''){
				alert("Please enter your MailChimp API Key and select a list in the Miva Merchant admin under utilities.");
					addSubscriber(api_key, list_id, shippingEmail, shippingFirstName, shippingLastName, 'checkbox_message');
					removeSubscriber(api_key, list_id, shippingEmail, 'false', 'false', 'false', 'checkbox_message');
			} //end api key check
		} //end input valudation

	} // end mailchimp checkbox

    function mailchimp_textbox(){
			$('#mailchimp_email').css('color', '#666');
		$('#mailchimp_email').focus(function(){this.value=''}).blur(function(){if(this.value==''){this.value='Enter Email Address'}});
			var email = $('#mailchimp_email').val();
				if(email != 0){
						return false;
						$('#mailchimp_email').val('Invalid Email Address');
						$('#mailchimp_email').css('color', '#EF2C2C');
						return false;

			var email = $('#mailchimp_email').val();
				if(email != 0){
						return false;
					$('#mailchimp_email').val('Invalid Email Address');
					$('#mailchimp_email').css('color', '#EF2C2C');
					return false;

	} // end mailchimp_textbox

    function isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress){
		var pattern = new RegExp(/^(("[\w-\s]+")|([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)|("[\w-\s]+")([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*))(@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$)|(@\[?((25[0-5]\.|2[0-4][0-9]\.|1[0-9]{2}\.|[0-9]{1,2}\.))((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\.){2}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})\]?$)/i);
		return pattern.test(emailAddress);

$(document).ready(function () {

	var checkbox_present = document.getElementById("newsletter_checkbox");
    var textbox_present = document.getElementById("mailchimp_email");
    	if (checkbox_present != null){
            $('#newsletter_checkbox').unbind("click").click(function () {
        if (textbox_present != null){
