11/15/2018 - 7:10 PM


{% comment %}
  Collection template, used on current_collection.liquid and current_collection.image.liquid
{% endcomment %}

<div class="compare-basket">
	<button class="action action--button action--compare"><i class="fa fa-check"></i><span class="action__text">Compare</span></button>

{% assign current_collection = collections['model-1'] %}

<div class="view">
<header class="section-header text-center">
  <h1>{{ current_collection.title }}</h1>
<!--  <hr class="hr--small"> -->
  {% if current_collection.description != blank %}
    <div class="grid">
      <div class="grid__item">
        <div class="rte">
          {{ current_collection.description }}
  {% endif %}

    <div class="grid--full collection-sorting{% if section.settings.collection_sort_enable %} collection-sorting--enabled{% endif %}">
      {% if section.settings.collection_sort_enable %}
        {% include 'collection-sorting' %}
      {% endif %}

  {% if section.settings.collection_tags_enable %}
    {% if current_collection.all_tags.size > 0 %}
      {% if section.settings.collection_sort_enable %}
        <hr class="hr--small">
      {% endif %}
      {% comment %}
        To provide a 'catch-all' link at the top of the list,
        check against the current_collection.handle, product type, and vendor.
      {% endcomment %}
      <ul class="tags tags--collection inline-list">
        <li{% unless current_tags %} class="tag--active"{% endunless %}>
          {% comment %}
            Good for /collections/all collection and regular collections
          {% endcomment %}
          {% if current_collection.handle %}
            <a href="/collections/{{ current_collection.handle }}">
              {{ 'collections.general.all_of_collection' | t }}

          {% comment %}
            Good for automatic type collections
          {% endcomment %}
          {% elsif current_collection.current_type %}
            <a href="{{ current_collection.current_type | url_for_type }}">
              {{ 'collections.general.all_of_collection' | t }}

          {% comment %}
            Good for automatic vendor collections
          {% endcomment %}
          {% elsif current_collection.current_vendor %}
            <a href="{{ current_collection.current_vendor | url_for_vendor }}">
              {{ 'collections.general.all_of_collection' | t }}
          {% endif %}

        {% for tag in current_collection.all_tags %}
          {% if current_tags contains tag %}
            <li class="tag--active">
              {{ tag | link_to_remove_tag: tag }}
          {% else %}
              {% comment %}
                Use link_to_add_tag if you want to allow filtering
                by multiple tags
              {% endcomment %}
              {{ tag | link_to_tag: tag }}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if section.settings.collection_tags_enable %}
    <hr class="hr--small hr--clear">
  {% endif %}

{% if section.settings.collection_products_grid == 'collage' %}
  <div class="grid grid-collage product-card-grid">
    {% comment %}
      Loop through our products in the current current_collection.
      See the snippet 'snippets/product-grid-collage.liquid'.

      `is_reverse_row__product`, `three_row_index__product`, `collection_product_count`, and `divisible_by_three__product` are
      all used by 'snippets/product-grid-collage.liquid'
    {% endcomment %}
    {% assign is_reverse_row__product = false %}
    {% assign three_row_index__product = 0 %}
    {% assign collection_product_count__product = current_collection.products.size %}
    {% assign divisible_by_three__product = collection_product_count__product | modulo:3 %}
    {% for product in current_collection.products %}
      {% comment %} {% include 'product-grid-collage' %} {% endcomment %}
      {% include 'product-grid-card' %}
    {% else %}

      {% if shop.products_count == 0 %}
        {% comment %}
          Add default products to help with onboarding for collections/all only
        {% endcomment %}
        {% include 'onboarding-featured-products' %}
      {% else %}
        {% comment %}
          If collection exists but is empty, display message
        {% endcomment %}
        <div class="grid__item text-center">
          <p>{{ 'collections.general.no_matches' | t }}</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

{% elsif section.settings.collection_products_grid == 'grid' %}
  <div class="grid-uniform">
    {% assign grid_item_width = 'medium--one-half large--one-third' %}
    {% for product in current_collection.products %}
      {% include 'product-grid-card' %}
    {% else %}
      {% if current_collection.handle == 'all' %}
        {% comment %}
          Add default products to help with onboarding for collections/all only
        {% endcomment %}
        {% include 'onboarding-featured-products' %}
      {% else %}
        {% comment %}
          If collection exists but is empty, display message
        {% endcomment %}
        <div class="grid__item text-center">
          <p>{{ 'collections.general.no_matches' | t }}</p>
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if paginate.pages > 1 %}
  {% include 'pagination' %}
{% endif %}

<section class="compare">
	<button class="action action--close"><img src="{{ 'close-white.svg' | asset_url }} " alt='Close Comparison'/><span class="action__text action__text--invisible">Close comparison overlay</span></button>

<script src="{{ 'classie.js' | asset_url }} "></script>

(function() {
    const viewEl = document.querySelector('.view')
		const items = []'.product-card'))
		let basket;

	// the compare basket
	function CompareBasket() {
		this.el = document.querySelector('.compare-basket');
		this.compareCtrl = this.el.querySelector('.action--compare');
		this.compareWrapper = document.querySelector('.compare'),
		this.closeCompareCtrl = this.compareWrapper.querySelector('.action--close')
		this.itemsAllowed = 3;
		this.totalItems = 0;
		this.items = [];

		// compares items in the compare basket: opens the compare products wrapper
		this.compareCtrl.addEventListener('click', this._compareItems.bind(this));
		// close the compare products wrapper
		var self = this;
		this.closeCompareCtrl.addEventListener('click', function() {
			// toggle compare basket
			classie.add(self.el, 'compare-basket--active');
			// animate..
			classie.remove(viewEl, 'view--compare');

	CompareBasket.prototype.add = function(item) {
		// check limit
		if( this.isFull() ) {
			return false;

		classie.add(item, 'product--selected');

		// create item preview element
		var preview = this._createItemPreview(item);
		// prepend it to the basket
		this.el.insertBefore(preview, this.el.childNodes[0]);
		// insert item

		if( this.isFull() ) {
			classie.add(this.el, 'compare-basket--full');

		classie.add(this.el, 'compare-basket--active');

	CompareBasket.prototype._createItemPreview = function(item) {
		const self = this;
		const removeComparisonIcon = document.createElement('img')
		const preview = document.createElement('div')

		preview.className = 'product-icon';
		preview.setAttribute('data-idx', items.indexOf(item));
		const removeCtrl = document.createElement('button');
		removeCtrl.className = 'action action--remove'; = 'none'
		removeComparisonIcon.src = "{{ 'close.svg' | asset_url }} "
		removeCtrl.addEventListener('click', function() {
		console.log('item', item)
		const productImageEl = item.querySelector('.img img').cloneNode(true);


		const productHandle = item.getAttribute('data-attr-handle');
		const productTitle = item.getAttribute('data-attr-title');
		const productFeaturedImage = item.getAttribute('data-attr-featured-image');
		const productID = item.getAttribute('data-attr-productId');
		const productDescription = item.getAttribute('data-attr-product-description');

		preview.setAttribute('data-attr-handle', productHandle);
		preview.setAttribute('data-attr-title', productTitle);
		preview.setAttribute('data-attr-featured-image', productFeaturedImage);
		preview.setAttribute('data-attr-productId', productID);
		preview.setAttribute('data-attr-product-description', productDescription);

		return preview;

	CompareBasket.prototype.remove = function(item) {
		classie.remove(this.el, 'compare-basket--full');
		classie.remove(item, 'product--selected');
		var preview = this.el.querySelector('[data-idx = "' + items.indexOf(item) + '"]');

		var indexRemove = this.items.indexOf(preview);
		this.items.splice(indexRemove, 1);

		if( this.totalItems === 0 ) {
			classie.remove(this.el, 'compare-basket--active');

		// checkbox
		var checkbox = item.querySelector('.action--compare-add > input[type = "checkbox"]');
		if( checkbox.checked ) {
			checkbox.checked = false;

	CompareBasket.prototype._compareItems = function() {
		var self = this;

		// remove all previous items inside the compareWrapper element
		[]'div.compare__item')).forEach(function(item) {

		for(var i = 0; i < this.totalItems; ++i) {
			const compareItemWrapper = document.createElement('div');
			compareItemWrapper.className = 'compare__item';
			const theProductID = this.items[i].getAttribute('data-attr-productId');
			const compareItemEffectEl = document.createElement('div');
			const compareItemTitle = document.createElement('h1');
			const compareItemImage = document.createElement('img');
			const compareItemDescription = document.createElement('p');

			compareItemEffectEl.className = 'compare__effect';
			compareItemTitle.innerHTML = this.items[i].getAttribute('data-attr-title');
			compareItemDescription.innerHTML = this.items[i].getAttribute('data-attr-product-description');
			compareItemImage.src = this.items[i].getAttribute('data-attr-featured-image');
			this.compareWrapper.insertBefore(compareItemWrapper, this.compareWrapper.childNodes[0]);

		setTimeout(function() {
			// toggle compare basket
			classie.remove(self.el, 'compare-basket--active');
			// animate..
			classie.add(viewEl, 'view--compare');
		}, 25);

	CompareBasket.prototype.isFull = function() {
		return this.totalItems === this.itemsAllowed;

	function init() {
		// initialize an empty basket
		basket = new CompareBasket();

	function initEvents() {
		items.forEach(function(item) {
			var checkbox = item.querySelector('.action--compare-add > input[type = "checkbox"]');
			checkbox.checked = false;

			// ctrl to add to the "compare basket"
			checkbox.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
				const plusSign ='.plus-sign')			
				plusSign.src = plusSign.src === "{{ 'check.svg' | asset_url }}" ? "{{ 'plus-rectangle.svg' | asset_url }}" : "{{ 'check.svg' | asset_url }}"
				if( ) {
					if( basket.isFull() ) {
						return false;
				else {


{% unless grid_item_width %}
{% assign grid_item_width = 'large--one-half medium--one-half' %}
{% endunless %}

{% unless width %}
{%- assign width = 310 -%}
{% endunless %}
{% unless height %}
{%- assign height = 415 -%}
{% endunless %}

{% assign on_sale = false %}
{% if product.compare_at_price > product.price %}
{% assign on_sale = true %}
{% endif %}

{% assign sold_out = true %}
{% if product.available %}
{% assign sold_out = false %}
{% endif %}

{% capture img_id_class %}ProductImage-{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture img_wrapper_id %}ProductImageWrapper-{{ }}{% endcapture %}
{%- assign img_url = product.featured_image | img_url: '1x1' | replace: '_1x1.', '_{width}x.' -%}
{% assign colored_face_plates = product.variants %}

<div class="grid__item grid-product {{ grid_item_width }}{% if sold_out %} is-sold-out{% endif %}">
  <div class="grid-product__wrapper">
    <div class="grid-product__image-wrapper">
      <div class='card product-card' data-attr-handle="{{product.handle}}" data-attr-title="{{product.title}}"
        data-attr-productId="{{}}" data-attr-product-description="{{product.description | escape}}" data-attr-featured-image="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url}}">
        <div class='card-content'>
          <div class='top-bar'>
              <b>{{ product.title }}</b>
              <label class="action action--compare-add">
                <input class="check-hidden" type="checkbox" />
                <img class='plus-sign action action--compare-add' src="{{ 'plus-rectangle.svg' | asset_url }} "
                  data-attr-handle="{{product.handle}}" data-attr-title="{{product.title}}" data-attr-productId="{{}}" data-attr-product-description="{{product.description | escape}}" data-attr-featured-image="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url}}"
                  alt='Compare Product Plus Sign' />
                <span class="action__text action__text--invisible">Add to compare</span>


          <div class='img'>
            {% if product.featured_image.src == blank %}
            <img src="{{ product.featured_image.src | img_url: '1024x' }}" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}">
            {% else %}
            {% include 'image-style' with image: product.featured_image, small_style: true, width: width, height:
            height, wrapper_id: img_wrapper_id, img_id_class: img_id_class %}
            <div id="{{ img_wrapper_id }}" class="product--wrapper">
              <div style="padding-top:{{ 1 | divided_by: product.featured_image.aspect_ratio | times: 100 }}%;">
                <img class="product--image lazyload {{ img_id_class }}" src="{{ product.featured_image | img_url: '150x150' }}"
                  data-src="{{ img_url }}" data-widths="[180, 370, 590, 740, 900, 1080, 1296, 1512, 1728, 2048]"
                  data-aspectratio="{{ product.featured_image.aspect_ratio }}" data-sizes="auto" alt="{{ product.featured_image.alt | escape }}">
            {% endif %}

        <div class='card-description'>
          <div class='title'>
            {{ product.price | money_without_trailing_zeros }}
           <div class='face-plates'>
            {% assign colored_face_plates = product.variants %}
            {% for variant in colored_face_plates %}
            <span class="face-plate-wrap">
              <span class="action__text action__text--invisible">{{variant.title}}</span>
            <img src="{{ variant.featured_image.src | img_url: '250x250' }}" onclick="selectFaceplate(event)"
              data-attr-handle="{{variant.handle}}" data-attr-title="{{variant.title}}" data-attr-productId="{{}}" />
            {% endfor %}

        <div class='card-footer'>
          {% if on_sale %}
          <span class="visually-hidden span">{{ 'products.general.sale_price' | t }}</span>
          {% else %}
          <span class="visually-hidden span">{{ 'products.general.regular_price' | t }}</span>
          {% endif %}
          {% if product.price_varies %}
          {{ product.price_min | money_without_trailing_zeros }}
          <span class="icon-fallback-text span">
            <span class="icon icon-plus grid-product__price-min" aria-hidden="true"></span>
            <span class="fallback-text">+</span>
          {% else %}
          <div class='span'>
            {{ product.vendor }}
          {% endif %}
          <div class='span add_color'>
            <img src="{{ 'plus.svg' | asset_url }} " alt='Add Color Plus Sign' /> Color
            <div class='cart'>
            <form method="post" action="/cart/add">
              <input name="id" value="{{ }}" type="hidden" id='selectedProductAndVariantInput' />
              <button name="add" value="ORDER NOW" id='AddToCart' type="submit" style="padding: 0; border: 0;">
                <img src="{{ 'shopping-bag.svg' | asset_url }} " alt='shopping bag' />



  function selectFaceplate(event) {
    const image =
    const imageSrc = image.src
    const selectedVariant = {
      featuredImage: image.src,
      title: image.getAttribute('data-attr-title'),
      handle: image.getAttribute('data-attr-handle'),
      productId: image.getAttribute('data-attr-productId')
    const currentCard =
    const currentCardContent = currentCard.querySelector('.card-content') 
    const currentFeaturedImage = currentCard.querySelector('.img img')
    const cardFooter = currentCardContent.parentElement.querySelector('.card-footer')
    const faceplateRow = currentCardContent.querySelector('.card-description .face-plates')
    const addColorTag = cardFooter.querySelector('.add_color')
    const variantInput = currentCard.querySelector('.card-footer .cart form input')

    variantInput.value = selectedVariant.productId
    addColorTag.querySelector('img').src = "{{ 'tag.svg' | asset_url }}"

    const color = selectedVariant.title.split(' ')[selectedVariant.title.split(' ').length - 1]
    const colors = ['Blue', 'Black', 'Red', 'Grey', 'Clear']

    colors.forEach(colorOpt => {
      if(addColorTag.classList.contains(colorOpt.toLowerCase())) {
     if (color === 'Black') {
       addColorTag.querySelector('img').src = "{{ 'tag-f.svg' | asset_url }}" 

    addColorTag.classList.add(selectedVariant.title.split(' ')[selectedVariant.title.split(' ').length - 1].toLowerCase())
    currentFeaturedImage.src = selectedVariant.featuredImage
    currentFeaturedImage.setAttribute('data-srcset', '')
    currentFeaturedImage.setAttribute('srcset', '')
    currentFeaturedImage.setAttribute('data-srcset', selectedVariant.featuredImage)
    currentFeaturedImage.setAttribute('srcset', selectedVariant.featuredImage)
    currentCard.setAttribute('data-attr-featured-image', selectedVariant.featuredImage)
