6/7/2018 - 10:39 PM


For those you who still use Barkeep

Command to approve a script

$.ajax({type: 'post', url: '/approve_commit', data: { repo_name: 'eCargo', commit_sha: '84561f3b1890a33acfd9df63730fad086b9c8166' } });

Powershell to convert list of commits to barkeep approvals, given known start and end points

  • Note:The start point is exclusive; that commit is NOT included.


Get commits from branch topic/Sprint144b_4 starting AFTER commit 652140e through head of topic/Sprint144b_4 get only hashes --oneline --format=%H Format into approve command Copy to clipboard

git rev-list topic/Sprint144b_4 652140ed97846b7bfe195cf86d2a949097b6b104..topic/Sprint144b_4 | % { "$.ajax({type: 'post', url: '/approve_commit', data: { repo_name: 'eCargo', commit_sha: '$_' } });" } | clip