MageMonkeySubscribe.phtml with some fixes to prevent javascript errors, but does not actually subscribe customer
$check = $this->checkStatus();
$auto = (($check === 1) OR ($check === 3));
<script type="text/javascript">
addSubscribeToPost = function (element)
/* Attempt to fix IE errors */
//new Element('input', { name: "magemonkey_subscribe", id: "magemonkey-subscribe", value: "1", type: "hidden" }) );
Element.insert($('subscribe_button'),new Element('input', { name: "magemonkey_subscribe", id: "magemonkey-subscribe", value: "1", type: "hidden" }));
/* End attempt to fix IE errors */
addElementToPost = function (element){
var formInputId = element.readAttribute('id') + '-serialize';
var inp = new Element('input', { name: element.readAttribute('name'), id: formInputId, value: element.getValue(), type: "hidden" });
Element.insert( Form.findFirstElement(payment.form), inp);
<?php /* Attempt to fix IE errors */ ?>
<div class="buttons-set a-left"<?php if($check === 3): ?> style="display:none;"<?php endif;?>>
<div id="subscribe_button"></div>
<input<?php if($auto): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif;?> type="checkbox" onchange="addSubscribeToPost(this);" name="magemonkey_trigger" id="magemonkey-trigger" value="1" title="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->__('Sign Up for Newsletter')) ?>" class="checkbox" />
<label for="magemonkey-trigger"><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->__('Sign Up for Newsletter')) ?></label>
<?php /* End attempt to fix IE errors */ ?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('left.monkeysignup'); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
if( $$('div#checkout-step-review div.monkey-multisubscribe').length ){
var event = 'change';
$$('div#checkout-step-review div.monkey-multisubscribe input').each(function(input){
if(input.readAttribute('type') == 'radio'){
event = 'click';
input.observe(event, function(){
$$('div#checkout-step-review div.monkey-multisubscribe select').each(function(ddl){
ddl.observe(event, function(){