4/14/2017 - 6:49 PM

MKDO - WPML Language Switcher

MKDO - WPML Language Switcher

 * Language Selector
 * @package textdomain

// Check WPML exist.
if ( function_exists( 'icl_get_languages' ) ) {

	// Get the languages.
	$languages = icl_get_languages( 'skip_missing=0' );

	// Proceed if more than one language.
	if ( count( $languages ) > 1 ) {

		// Unique ID for this instance of the
		// template part.
		$unique = uniqid();

		<label for="js-language-switcher-<?php echo esc_attr( $unique ); ?>" class="sr-only">
			<?php esc_html_e( 'Select Language', 'textdomain' ); ?>

		<select id="js-language-switcher-<?php echo esc_attr( $unique ); ?>" class="js-language-switcher" data-current-lang="<?php echo esc_attr( ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ); ?>"style="width: 100%">

			// Output an option for each language, complete with
			// with the value set to the destination URL, as well
			// as the language code and flag URL as data attributes.
			foreach ( $languages as $l ) {

				echo '<option value="' . esc_attr( $l['language_code'] ) . '" ';
				echo ( '1' === $l['active'] ) ? 'selected ': '';
				echo 'data-lang-flag="' . esc_url( $l['country_flag_url'] ) . '">';
				echo esc_attr( $l['translated_name'] );
				echo '</option>';


jQuery(function($) {

    // select2 - Language Switcher
    // -------------------------------------
    var $langSwitcher = $('.js-language-switcher');

    // If we have any language switchers
    // on the page, proceed.
    if ( $langSwitcher.length > 0 ) {

    	// Utility function to format the
    	// select2 results.
		function formatLang (lang) {

			if ( !lang.id ) {
				return lang.text;

			var flag = lang.element.getAttribute('data-lang-flag');

			var $lang = $(
				'<span><img src="' + flag + '" class="language-switcher--flag" /> ' + lang.text + '</span>'

			return $lang;

		// Initialise select2 for each instance
		// of the switcher on the page.
		$langSwitcher.each(function(i, el) {

    		// Pass the language in for select2.
	    	var selectedLangCode = $(this).find(':selected').val();

	    	// Init.
				language: selectedLangCode,
				minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
				templateResult: formatLang,
				templateSelection: formatLang,

		// Redirect to the URL on select.
		$langSwitcher.on('select2:select', function (e) {

			// Retrieve the current language code.
		    var currentLang = $(this).attr('data-current-lang');

			// Get the current location.
			var currentLocation  = window.location.href;

			// Carry out the string replacement to give us
			// the new location URL for target language.
			var newLocation = currentLocation.replace( '/' + currentLang + '/', '/' + $(this).val() + '/'  );

			// Carry out the re-direction.
			window.location.href = newLocation;