scanjko of Lab UK
2/24/2015 - 12:35 PM

On this link:

How to use?
You need added library to header in your project before jquery library. And you can use this code for trigger event.
For detail please see this link:

    $('.iframe_wrap iframe').iframeTracker({
        blurCallback: function(){
            // Do something when iframe is clicked (like firing an XHR request)
            // You can know which iframe element is clicked via this._overId
        overCallback: function(element){
            this._overId = $(element).parents('.iframe_wrap').attr('id'); // Saving the iframe wrapper id
        outCallback: function(element){
            this._overId = null; // Reset hover iframe wrapper id
        _overId: null

If you need stop embeded video on owl slider you can used this code: 

  jQuery('.player iframe').iframeTracker({
        blurCallback: function () {
        overCallback: function (element) {
            this._overId = jQuery(element).parents('.player').attr('id'); // Saving the iframe wrapper id
        outCallback: function (element) {
            this._overId = null; // Reset hover iframe wrapper id
        _overId: null