Wdc04 LBaaS terraform file
# Variables
# Required for the IBM Cloud provider for Bluemix resources
variable slusername {}
variable slapikey {}
variable bxapikey {}
# Configures the IBM Cloud provider
# https://ibm-bluemix.github.io/tf-ibm-docs/
# Configure the IBM Cloud Provider
provider "ibm" {
bluemix_api_key = "${var.bxapikey}"
softlayer_username = "${var.slusername}"
softlayer_api_key = "${var.slapikey}"
data "ibm_compute_ssh_key" "terra" {
label = "terra"
resource "ibm_compute_vm_instance" "host1" {
hostname = "host1"
domain = "cde.services"
os_reference_code = "UBUNTU_LATEST_64"
datacenter = "wdc04"
network_speed = 1000
hourly_billing = true
private_network_only = true
cores = 2
memory = 4096
disks = [100]
local_disk = false
private_vlan_id = 2161139
ssh_key_ids = ["${data.ibm_compute_ssh_key.terra.id}"]
provisioner "file" {
source = "postinstall.sh"
destination = "/tmp/postinstall.sh"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"chmod +x /tmp/postinstall.sh",
resource "ibm_compute_vm_instance" "host2" {
hostname = "host2"
domain = "cde.services"
os_reference_code = "UBUNTU_LATEST_64"
datacenter = "wdc04"
network_speed = 1000
hourly_billing = true
private_network_only = true
cores = 2
memory = 4096
disks = [100]
local_disk = false
private_vlan_id = 2161139
ssh_key_ids = ["${data.ibm_compute_ssh_key.terra.id}"]
provisioner "file" {
source = "postinstall.sh"
destination = "/tmp/postinstall.sh"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"chmod +x /tmp/postinstall.sh",
resource "ibm_compute_vm_instance" "host3" {
hostname = "host3"
domain = "cde.services"
os_reference_code = "UBUNTU_LATEST_64"
datacenter = "wdc04"
network_speed = 1000
hourly_billing = true
private_network_only = true
cores = 2
memory = 4096
disks = [100]
local_disk = false
private_vlan_id = 2161139
ssh_key_ids = ["${data.ibm_compute_ssh_key.terra.id}"]
provisioner "file" {
source = "postinstall.sh"
destination = "/tmp/postinstall.sh"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"chmod +x /tmp/postinstall.sh",
resource "ibm_compute_vm_instance" "host4" {
hostname = "host4"
domain = "cde.services"
os_reference_code = "UBUNTU_LATEST_64"
datacenter = "wdc04"
network_speed = 1000
hourly_billing = true
private_network_only = true
cores = 2
memory = 4096
disks = [100]
local_disk = false
private_vlan_id = 2161139
ssh_key_ids = ["${data.ibm_compute_ssh_key.terra.id}"]
provisioner "file" {
source = "postinstall.sh"
destination = "/tmp/postinstall.sh"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"chmod +x /tmp/postinstall.sh",
resource "ibm_lbaas" "lbaas" {
name = "terraformLB"
description = "testing schematics with lbaas"
subnets = [1362063]
datacenter = "wdc04"
protocols = [
frontend_protocol = "HTTP"
frontend_port = 80
backend_protocol = "HTTP"
backend_port = 80
load_balancing_method = "round_robin"
server_instances = [
"private_ip_address" = "${ibm_compute_vm_instance.host1.ipv4_address_private}"
"private_ip_address" = "${ibm_compute_vm_instance.host2.ipv4_address_private}"
"private_ip_address" = "${ibm_compute_vm_instance.host3.ipv4_address_private}"
"private_ip_address" = "${ibm_compute_vm_instance.host4.ipv4_address_private}"
output "lb_id" {
value = ["${ibm_lbaas.lbaas.vip}"]