// ==UserScript==
// @name 0jd-book-_content-1.0.2-181110
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match https://item.jd.com/*
// @match item.jd.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
setTimeout(do1, 3 * 1000);
// do1()
function do1() {
var cont1 = document.querySelector('div.item.first a').innerText
function main1(){
var url1 = window.location.href
var title1 = document.querySelector('div.m-item-inner div div div.sku-name').innerText
var s_tmp = document.querySelectorAll('div.detail-content-item div div.book-detail-item')
var cont_1='' , rcm_1='' ,cont_2='', author_1='' , con_1='' , perface_1=''
for (var i = 0; i < s_tmp.length; i++) {
var str_tmp1 = s_tmp[i].getAttribute('text')
var str_tmp2 = str_strip(s_tmp[i].querySelector('div.item-mc div.book-detail-content').innerText)
} catch(err){
if (str_tmp1=='目录'){
// 此处需要用getAttribute,不能用['text'],否则会得到文字
cont_1 = str_tmp2
// break
} else if(str_tmp1=='编辑推荐'){
rcm_1 = str_tmp2
} else if(str_tmp1=='内容简介'){
cont_2 = str_tmp2
} else if(str_tmp1=='作者简介'){
author_1 = str_tmp2
} else if(str_tmp1=='精彩书评'){
con_1 = str_tmp2
} else if(str_tmp1=='前言/序言'){
perface_1 = str_tmp2
// tampermonkey中,无法使用'text=目录'这样的中文的选择器
// var detail_1 = document.querySelector('div[text=\'目录\'] div.item-mc div.book-detail-content').innerText
var l1 = [cont_1,cont_2,rcm_1,con_1,author_1,perface_1]
var l2 = ['目录','内容','编辑推荐','评论','作者','序言']
for (var i = l1.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
// again1(textarea_id,input_id,cont_1)
// again1('copy21','copy22',rcm_1)
// again1('copy31','copy32',cont_2)
// again1('copy41','copy42',author_1)
// again1('copy51','copy52',perface_1)
// again1('copy61','copy62',con_1)
scrollTo(0, 0)
function str_strip(str1){
str1 = str1.replace(/(\s)*\n/g,'\n')
var frame_1 = str1.split('\n')
str1 = [url1,title1 ].join('\t') +'\n'
for (var i = 0; i < frame_1.length-1; i++) {
str1 += '\t\t'+frame_1[i]
if (i != frame_1.length-2){
str1+= '\n'
return str1
function selText(textarea_id) {
// console.clear();
// textarea_id = 'copy3';
try {
if (document.execCommand('copy', false, null)) {
// if(document.execCommand('copy', false, null)){
//success info
} else {
//fail info
} catch (err) {
//fail info
// function again1(textarea_id,input_id,input_id2,span1_id,str1,str2) {
function again1(i,str1,str2) {
var span_id='cp'+(i)+'1'
var input_id2='cp'+(i)+'2'
var textarea_id='cp'+(i)+'3'
var input_id='cp'+(i)+'4'
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var span1 = document.getElementById(span_id)
var textarea1, btn_1, btn_2,div1
if (span1){
textarea1 = document.createElement("textarea");
// textarea1.innerHTML = text;
textarea1.setAttribute('id', textarea_id);
textarea1.setAttribute('cols', '80');
textarea1.setAttribute('rows', '10');
textarea1.style.cssText ='font-size:15px;'
btn_1 = document.createElement("input");
btn_1.setAttribute('id', input_id);
btn_1.setAttribute('type', 'button');
btn_1.setAttribute('onclick', 'selText()');
btn_1.setAttribute('value', 'cp');
btn_1.style.cssText = ' -webkit-appearance: button; box-sizing: border-box; width:28px; height: 120px; position: absolute;'
btn_2 = document.createElement("input");
btn_2.setAttribute('id', input_id2);
btn_2.setAttribute('value', str2);
btn_2.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');
btn_2.setAttribute('size', '10');
div1 = document.createElement("div");
span1 = document.createElement("span");
span1.setAttribute('id', span_id);
// if
span1.style.cssText = 'display:inline-block;margin:0px 16px 0px 12px';//btn_1的width是28px
// span1.style.margin='0px 12px 0px 2px'
var l_tmp = [btn_1,textarea1,div1];
for (i = 0;i < l_tmp.length;i++){
body.insertBefore(span1, body.childNodes[0]);
// body.insertBefore(btn_1, body.childNodes[0]);
// body.insertBefore(textarea1, body.childNodes[0]);
// body.insertBefore(btn_2, body.childNodes[0]);
// var textarea1 = document.getElementById(textarea_id)
textarea1.innerHTML = str1
// document.querySelector('input#'+input_id).addEventListener('click', function() {selText()})
btn_1.addEventListener('click', function() {selText(textarea_id)})