9/8/2017 - 3:06 PM

Use the SDL Web Core Service to edit a component

Use the SDL Web Core Service to edit a component

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

# get a Core Service client
Import-Module Tridion-CoreService -Verbose:$false
Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings -Version "Web-8.1"
Set-TridionCoreServiceSettings -HostName localhost -ConnectionType Default

$client = Get-TridionCoreServiceClient                              

# get the component to edit
$componentId = "tcm:25-4220"

$component = Get-TridionItem $componentId

# example 1: get an older version of the component and restore the component content
$oldComponentId = $component.Id + "-v" + ($component.VersionInfo.LastVersion -1)
$oldComponent = Get-TridionItem $oldComponentId
$component.Content = $oldComponent.Content

# example 2: replace some value
$component.Content = $component.Content.Replace("<linkText>a</linkText>", "<linkText>b</linkText>")

$readBackOptions = New-Object Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.ReadOptions
$client.Update($component, $readBackOptions)