MVT: URI Management - Load Category / Product / Page
NAME: The returned URI.
[1] `product var` - The product variable (must include the product's id and code)
[2] `flag var` - Structure unknown (Supposed to return either HTTPS or HTTP version of the passed URI)
<mvt:do file="g.Module_Feature_URI_UT" name="l.settings:product:uri" value="Store_Product_URL(l.settings:product, NULL)" />
NAME: The returned URI.
[1] `page var` - The page variable (must include the page's id and code)
[2] `flag var` - Structure unknown (Supposed to return either HTTPS or HTTP version of the passed URI)
<mvt:do file="g.Module_Feature_URI_UT" name="l.settings:page:uri" value="Store_Page_URL(l.settings:page, NULL)" />
NAME: The returned URI.
[1] `category var` - The category variable (must include the category's id and code)
[2] `flag var` - Structure unknown (Supposed to return either HTTPS or HTTP version of the passed URI)
<mvt:do file="g.Module_Feature_URI_UT" name="l.settings:category:uri" value="Store_Category_URL(l.settings:category, NULL)" />
where sep determines whether or not the separator should be appended (that would be '?' if no other parameters exist, or '&' if there are, meaning you can simple just start tacking on parameters without having to add anything before it), force_secure… forces secure, and nosession keeps all session variables out of the url (Session_ID, [Customer|Affiliate|Checkout]_Session_ID). There are also other flags available when building a URI, but those are not available from the Store_XXX_URL functions. As another note, we do also have Store_Category_Code_URL and Store_Product_Code_URL available for those times when no category var or product var is present.