10/17/2017 - 2:05 PM

jQuery Select Multiple Items

jQuery Select Multiple Items

$(document).ready(function() {
 *  Script will create empty array ($arr) and
 *  based on user action (select/deselect), 
 *  it will add or remove item velues (in this case item velue is page ID) from the created array.
 *  It will also asign appropriate syles and classes to the selected items.
 *  Array ($arr) values (separated by ",") will be then asigned as delete button value in the form.
 *  After form submit we will have buttons $_POST values separated by comma.
 *  Then, in php form process, we can easily convert values seperated by "," to php array.
 *  eg: $array = explode(",", $_POST['delete_item']);
 *  And do what ever we want...
      *   Create empty array that will populate with values.
      *   We will add/remove values to this array and asign it to the delete form value.
    var arr = new Array();
         *  Select Item
        $(".item-select").click(function(event) {     
            // get clicked item id
            var item_id = $(this).val();
            // add item id to anrray if doesent exist
            if($.inArray(item_id, arr) !== 0) {
            // asign array to the form value
            // do visuals

            // Show delete button if value is set
            var selected_items = $("#delete-item-id").val();
            if(selected_items != '') {
            }else {

         *  Deselect Item
        $(".item-deselect").click(function(event) {
            // remove this item from array
            var removeItem = $(this).val();
            arr = jQuery.grep(arr, function(value) {
              return value != removeItem;
            // asign modified array to the form value
            // do visuals

            // Show delete button if value is set
            var selected_items = $("#delete-item-id").val();
            if(selected_items != '') {
            }else {

 *  Process submited form

// check if form is submited and if there is values to process
if(isset($_POST['delete_item']) && $_POST['delete_item'] != '') {
     *  Get items IDs that are asigned to "delete_item" button value 
     *  and store them as array in $array var
    $array = explode(",", $_POST['delete_item']);
     *  This is page delete examample for processwire
     *  Loop true submited IDs, get pages with dose IDs and delete them.
    foreach($array as $item) {
        // get processwire page
        $page_to_del = $pages->get($item);
        // delete page


    // Set Notification  $_SESSION vars
    $_SESSION['show_note'] = '1';
    $_SESSION['note_status'] = 'success';
    $_SESSION['note'] = "Items has been deleted!";
    // redirect
    header("Location: $page->url");

 *  Display notification after process.
 *  In this case it's Uikit notification
// check if notification $_SESSION is set
if(isset($_SESSION['show_note'])) {
    // echo notification
    echo ukNotification("top-center", "{$_SESSION['note_status']}", "{$_SESSION['note']}", "3000");
    // unset notification  $_SESSION vars after displaying it
<!-- ITEM -->
<div class="item">
    <!-- item select -->
    <button value="123" class="item-select">
        <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
    <!-- item deselect -->
    <button value="123" class="item-deselect">
         <i class="fa fa-close"></i>

<!-- FORM -->
<form action="./" method="post">
    <!-- items IDs will be asigned to this field separated by "," -->
    <button id="delete-item-id" class="uk-button uk-button-danger" type="submit" name="delete_item">