9/28/2014 - 2:19 AM

Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Create Coupons with Gravity Forms for Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, or Easy Digital Downloads

Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Create Coupons with Gravity Forms for Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, or Easy Digital Downloads

 * The latest version of this snippet can be found in the Gravity Wiz Snippet Library:
 * https://github.com/gravitywiz/snippet-library/blob/master/gravity-forms/gw-create-coupon.php
 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Create Coupons with Gravity Forms for Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, or Easy Digital Downloads
 * Create coupons via Gravity Forms submissions. Map the coupon code to a field on the GF form and voila!
 * @version 1.2
 * @author  David Smith <david@gravitywiz.com>
 * @license GPL-2.0+
 * @link    WooCommerce:   http://gravitywiz.com/creating-coupons-woocommerce-gravity-forms/
 * @link    Gravity Forms: http://gravitywiz.com/creating-coupons-for-gf-coupons-add-on-with-gravity-forms/
class GW_Create_Coupon {

    public function __construct( $args = array() ) {

        // set our default arguments, parse against the provided arguments, and store for use throughout the class
        $this->_args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
            'form_id'         => false,
            'source_field_id' => false,
            'plugin'          => 'gf', // accepts: 'gf', 'wc', 'edd'
            'amount'          => 0,
            'type'            => '', // accepts: 'fixed_cart', 'percent', 'fixed_product', 'percent_product'
            'meta'            => array()
        ) );

        // do version check in the init to make sure if GF is going to be loaded, it is already loaded
        add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );


    public function init() {

        // make sure we're running the required minimum version of Gravity Forms and that WooCommerce is active
        if( ! property_exists( 'GFCommon', 'version' ) || ! version_compare( GFCommon::$version, '1.8', '>=' ) ) {

        add_action( 'gform_after_submission', array( $this, 'create_coupon' ), 10, 2 );


    public function create_coupon( $entry, $form ) {

        if( ! $this->is_applicable_form( $form ) ) {

        $coupon_code = rgar( $entry, $this->_args['source_field_id'] );
        $amount      = $this->_args['amount'];
        $type        = $this->_args['type'];

	    if( ! $coupon_code ) {

	    if( is_callable( $amount ) ) {
	    	$amount = call_user_func( $amount );

        $plugin_func = array( $this, sprintf( 'create_coupon_%s', $this->_args['plugin'] ) );

        if( is_callable( $plugin_func ) ) {
            call_user_func( $plugin_func, $coupon_code, $amount, $type, $entry, $form );


    public function create_coupon_edd( $coupon_code, $amount, $type, $entry, $form ) {

        if( ! is_callable( 'edd_store_discount' ) ) {

        $meta = wp_parse_args( $this->_args['meta'], array(
            'name'              => $coupon_code,
            'code'              => $coupon_code,
            'type'              => $type,
            'amount'            => $amount,
            'excluded_products' => array(),
            'expiration'        => '',
            'is_not_global'     => false,
            'is_single_use'     => false,
            'max_uses'          => '',
            'min_price'         => '',
            'product_condition' => '',
            'product_reqs'      => array(),
            'start'             => '',
            'uses'              => '',
        ) );

        // EDD will set it's own defaults in the edd_store_discount() so let's filter out our own empty defaults (they're just here for easier reference)
        $meta = array_filter( $meta );

        // EDD takes a $details array which has some different keys than the meta, let's map the keys to the expected format
        $edd_post_keys = array(
            'max_uses'          => 'max',
            'product_reqs'      => 'products',
            'excluded_products' => 'excluded-products',
            'is_not_global'     => 'not_global',
            'is_single_use'     => 'use_once'

        foreach( $meta as $key => $value ) {
            $mod_key = rgar( $edd_post_keys, $key );
            if( $mod_key ) {
                $meta[$mod_key] = $value;

        edd_store_discount( $meta );


    public function create_coupon_gf( $coupon_code, $amount, $type, $entry, $form ) {

        if( ! class_exists( 'GFCoupons' ) ) {

        // hack to load GF Coupons data.php file
	    if( is_callable( 'gf_coupons' ) ) {
		    gf_coupons()->get_config( array( 'id' => 0 ), false );
	    } else {
		    GFCoupons::get_config( array( 'id' => 0 ), false );

        $meta = wp_parse_args( $this->_args['meta'], array(
            'form_id'           => false,
            'coupon_name'       => $coupon_code,
            'coupon_code'       => strtoupper( $coupon_code ),
            'coupon_type'       => $type, // 'flat', 'percentage'
            'coupon_amount'     => $amount,
            'coupon_start'      => '', // MM/DD/YYYY
            'coupon_expiration' => '', // MM/DD/YYYY
            'coupon_limit'      => false,
            'coupon_stackable'  => false
        ) );

        $form_id = $meta['form_id'] ? $meta['form_id'] : 0;
        unset( $meta['form_id'] );

        foreach ( $meta as $key => $value ) {
        	if ( $value instanceof Closure && is_callable( $value ) ) {
        		$meta[ $key ] = call_user_func( $value, $entry, $form, $this );

	    if( is_callable( 'gf_coupons' ) ) {
		    $meta['gravityForm']      = $form_id ? $form_id : 0;
		    $meta['couponName']       = $meta['coupon_name'];
		    $meta['couponCode']       = $meta['coupon_code'];
		    $meta['couponAmountType'] = $meta['coupon_type'];
		    $meta['couponAmount']     = $meta['coupon_amount'];
		    $meta['startDate']        = $meta['coupon_start'];
		    $meta['endDate']          = $meta['coupon_expiration'];
		    $meta['usageLimit']       = $meta['coupon_limit'];
		    $meta['isStackable']      = $meta['coupon_stackable'];
		    $meta['usageCount']       = 0;
		    gf_coupons()->insert_feed( $form_id, true, $meta );
	    } else {
		    GFCouponsData::update_feed( 0, $form_id, true, $meta );


     * Create a WooCommerce coupon.
     * @link https://gist.github.com/mikejolley/3969579#file-gistfile1-txt
    public function create_coupon_wc( $coupon_code, $amount, $type, $entry, $form ) {

        $coupon = array(
            'post_title'   => $coupon_code,
            'post_content' => '',
            'post_status'  => 'publish',
            'post_author'  => 1,
            'post_type'	   => 'shop_coupon'

        $new_coupon_id = wp_insert_post( $coupon );

        $meta = wp_parse_args( $this->_args['meta'], array(
            'discount_type'              => $type,
            'coupon_amount'              => $amount,
            'individual_use'             => 'yes',
            'product_ids'                => '',
            'exclude_product_ids'        => '',
            'usage_limit'                => '1',
            'expiry_date'                => '',
            'apply_before_tax'           => 'no',
            'free_shipping'              => 'no',
            'exclude_sale_items'         => 'no',
            'product_categories'         => '',
            'exclude_product_categories' => '',
            'minimum_amount'             => '',
            'customer_email'             => ''
        ) );

        foreach( $meta as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {
            update_post_meta( $new_coupon_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );


    function is_applicable_form( $form ) {

        $form_id = isset( $form['id'] ) ? $form['id'] : $form;

        return $form_id == $this->_args['form_id'];


# Configuration

new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    // ID of the form which will be used to create coupons
    'form_id'         => 608,
    // ID of the field whose value will be used as the coupon code
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    // which plugin the coupon should be created for (i.e. WooCommerce = 'wc')
    'plugin'          => '', // accepts: 'gf', 'wc', 'edd'
    // type of coupon code to be created, available types will differ depending on the plugin
    'type'            => '',
    // amount of the coupon discount
    'amount'          => 10
) );
 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Create Coupons with Gravity Forms for Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, or Easy Digital Downloads
 * http://gravitywiz.com/creating-coupons-woocommerce-gravity-forms/
 *  WooCommerce

// Coupon with Flat Discount, Applied to Cart
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'wc',
    'amount'          => 10,
    'type'            => 'fixed_cart'
) );

// Coupon with Percentage Discount, Applied to Cart
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'wc',
    'amount'          => 10,
    'type'            => 'percent'
) );

// Coupon with Percentage Discount, Applied to Specific Product(s)
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'wc',
    'amount'          => 10,
    'type'            => 'percent_product',
    'meta'            => array(
        'product_ids' => '123'
) );

// Stackable Coupon with Usage Limit and Expiration Date
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'wc',
    'amount'          => 10,
    'type'            => 'fixed_cart',
    'meta'            => array(
        'individual_use' => 'no',
        'usage_limit'    => 5,
        'expiry_date'    => '12/31/2014'
) );

// All the things!
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'wc',
    'amount'          => 10,
    'type'            => 'fixed_cart', // accepts: 'fixed_cart', 'percent', 'fixed_product', 'percent_product'
    'meta'            => array(
        'apply_before_tax'           => 'no',
        'customer_email'             => '',
        'exclude_product_categories' => array(),
        'exclude_product_ids'        => '',
        'exclude_sale_items'         => 'no',
        'expiry_date'                => '',
        'free_shipping'              => 'no',
        'individual_use'             => 'yes',
        'limit_usage_per_customer'   => '',
        'limit_usage_to_x_items'     => '',
        'maximum_amount'             => '',
        'minimum_amount'             => '',
        'product_categories'         => array(),
        'product_ids'                => '',
        'usage_limit'                => 1
) );
 * Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Create Coupons with Gravity Forms for Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, or Easy Digital Downloads
 * http://gravitywiz.com/creating-coupons-for-gravity-forms/
 *  GF Coupons

// Coupon with Flat Discount, Applied to Total
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'gf',
    'amount'          => 15,
    'type'            => 'flat'
) );

// Coupon with Percentage Discount, Applied to Total
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'gf',
    'amount'          => 15,
    'type'            => 'percentage'
) );

// Stackable Coupon with Usage Limit and Expiration Date
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'gf',
    'amount'          => 15,
    'type'            => 'flat',
    'meta'            => array(
        'form_id'           => 620,
        'coupon_stackable'  => true,
        'coupon_limit'      => 10,
        'coupon_expiration' => '12/31/2015'
) );

// Unlimited Use Coupon during the month of December 2015 using Coupon Start and Coupon Expiration
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'gf',
    'amount'          => 15,
    'type'            => 'flat',
    'meta'            => array(
        'form_id'           => 620,
        'coupon_stackable'  => false,
        'coupon_limit'      => false,
        'coupon_start'      => '12/1/2015',
        'coupon_expiration' => '12/31/2015'
) );

// All the things!
new GW_Create_Coupon( array(
    'form_id'         => 608,
    'source_field_id' => 1,
    'plugin'          => 'gf',
    'amount'          => 15,
    'type'            => 'flat', // accepts: 'flat', 'percentage'
    'meta'            => array(
        'form_id'           => false,
        'coupon_start'      => '', // MM/DD/YYYY
        'coupon_expiration' => '', // MM/DD/YYYY
        'coupon_limit'      => false,
        'coupon_stackable'  => false
) );