3/1/2014 - 5:31 PM

Angular Workshop

An Brief Introduction

To identify the basic compenents of a Angular application and integrate them together in a manner that creates a canonical example for one to further develop or rexamine afterward.



  • A First ng-app
    • Setup JS-Bin
    • Add Library angular 1.2.1
    • Setup an ng-app
    • Setup an ng-controller
      • The ng-controller directive
        • A controller function
      • Using $scope in a controller
      • Using the ng-repeat directive
        • A new $scope
        • Iterating through an Array
        • Iterating through (key, values) in an Array
      • Using some actions
        • ng-sumbit
        • ng-click
    • Modularizing
      • An app module
      • A controller module
  • A Basic Rails App (Using Rails 4 or 3, won't assume a particular gem)
    • Setting up a Sample App
      • Setup config/routes
      • generate a SamplesController with methods.
    • Download Angular into vendor/assets/javascripts
    • Setup a modular SampleApp
    • Setup a modular SampleAppCtrl
      • Using $http
    • Setup with ngRoute
    • Setup with ngResource


Intro with JS-Bin (to be determined later)

Intro With Rails

Let's begin a project in a directory of your choosing:

rails new sample_app
cd sample_app

To get angular you can do one of the following

curl -G > vendor/assets/javascripts/angular && open vendor/assets/javascripts/angular

and just rm vendor/assets/javascripts/angular, which might be a little over the top and UNIX-y, or you can download it from here, open it, and then

mv "/Users/$USER/Downloads/angular-1.2.13" vendor/assets/javascripts/

Including Angular

We need to load our angular.min.js, so we add the following to the assets/javascripts/application.js


//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
// ***** ADD ANGULAR HERE *****
//= require angular-1.2.13/angular.min
// *****
//= require_tree .

Generating a controller

Let's start off with a controller called SamplesController for our SampleApp

rails g controller samples index


<div ng-app>
    <input type="text" ng-model="name" placeholder="name">
    <p> HELLO, {{name}}! </p>

Now we modify our routes

SampleApp::Application.routes.draw do
    root to: "samples#index"
    resources :samples

If angular has loaded correctly then this example should be working at localhost:3000

A Modular App

Change <div ng-app> in the index to ng-app="SampleApp"


<div ng-app="SampleApp">

Create a sample_app.js in app/assets/javascripts and define a SampleApp module in it.


var SampleApp = angular.module("SampleApp",[]);

Adding A Modular Controller

Create a samples_controller.js in app/assets/javascripts and define a SampleAppCtrls module in it.


var SampleAppCtrls = angular.module("SampleAppCtrls",[]);

SampleAppCtrls.controller("SamplesCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope){


Now we can add SampleAppCtrls as a module in sample_app.js, i.e.


var SampleApp = angular.module("SampleApp",[

Adding functionality to our controller

Let's define some fakeSamples in the SamplesCtrl



SampleAppCtrls.controller("SamplesCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope){
    // fakeSamples
    $scope.fakeSamples = [
         {name: "bunny", description: "fluffy"}
        ,{name: "Green Stuff", description: "meh"}
        ,{name: "elephant", description: "big"}

Now we need to display these fakeSamples in a view for our SamplesCtrl


<div ng-app="SampleApp">
    <!-- NOTE HERE THE  ng-controller-->
    <div ng-controller="SamplesCtrl">
        <!--  NOTE HERE THE ng-repeat over the items defined
                in our SamplesCtrl -->
        <div ng-repeat="sample in fakeSamples">
            A {{}} looked {{sample.description}}

Adding a router

We can handle routing by loading the ngRoute module. We begin this by adding the angular-route script into our appliction.js


//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
// ***** ADD ANGULAR HERE *****
//= require angular-1.2.13/angular.min
//= require angular-1.2.13/angular-route.min
//= require_tree .

Now we can update our sample_app.js to include a router module.


var SampleApp = angular.module("SampleApp",[]);

// Create our Sample module with `ngRoute` dependency
var SamplesRouter = angular.module("SamplesRouter", ["ngRoute"]);

Next we need to configure our route to respond to certain paths


    function($routeProvider, $httpProvider){
    $routeProvider.when("/samples", {
        // Note here the path is just "/samples/pretty_template"
        templateUrl: "/samples/pretty_template",
        controller: "SamplesCtrl"

Note we add this /samples/pretty_template path to our routes


SampleApp::Application.routes.draw do
    root to: "samples#index"
    # pretty template
    get "/samples/pretty_template" to: "samples#pretty_template"
    resources :samples

Note we add the /samples/pretty_template view and method


class SamplesController < ApplicationController
  def index

  def pretty_template
    render layout: false


<div style="color:blue; padding: 10px;"ng-repeat="sample in fakeSamples">
    {{}} is {{sample.description}}

Now all that is left is to render the view in the index.html, and we change it to look as follows.

<div ng-app="SampleApp">
    <input type="text" ng-model="name" placeholder="name">
    <p> HELLO, {{name}}! </p>

    <a href="#/samples"> pretty format</a>
    <div ng-view>