Python: Python: OS module
# The os module provides a portable platform-independent interface to access common operating services,
# allowing you to add OS-level support to your programs.
# The os.path.abspath(path) function of the os module returns a string version of the absolute path of the
# path specified. Because abspath takes into account the current working directory, the . and .. directory
# options will work as shown next:
>>>print os.path.abspath(".")
>>>C:\books\python\ch1\ print os.path.abspath("..") C:\books\python\
## The os.path module provides the exists(path), isdir(path), and isfile(path) function to check for the
# existence of files and directories, as shown here:
>>>print os.path.exists("/books/python/ch1")
>>>print os.path.isdir("/books/python/ch1")
## The os.chdir(path) function provides a simple way of changing the current working directory for the program,
# as follows:
>>>print os.path.abspath(".")
## The os.environ attribute contains a dictionary of environmental variables. You can use this dictionary as
# shown next to access the environmental variables of the system:
>>>print os.environ['PATH']
## The os.system(command) function will execute a system function as if it were in a subshell, as shown with
# the following dir command:
Volume Serial Number is 98F3-A875
Directory of C:\books\python\ch1\code
08/11/2006 02:10p <DIR> .
08/11/2006 02:10p <DIR> ..
08/10/2006 04:00p 405
08/10/2006 10:27a 546
08/10/2006 03:07p 737
08/11/2006 02:58p 791
4 File(s) 3,717 bytes
2 Dir(s) 7,880,230,400 bytes free
## Python provides a number of exec type functions to execute applications on the native system. The following
# example illustrates using the os.execvp(path, args) function to execute the application update.exe with a
# command-line parameter of -verbose:
>>>os.execvp("update.exe", ["-verbose"])