8/21/2016 - 7:42 AM

A few ways to reverse a string in Swift

A few ways to reverse a string in Swift

let word = "abcdefg"

//Using swift lib
String(word.characters.reverse()) //"gfedcba"

//Using char array and insert
func reverseString(wordToReverse: String) -> String {
    guard wordToReverse.characters.count > 1 else {
        return wordToReverse

    var reversedWord = [Character]()
    for char in wordToReverse.characters {
        reversedWord.insert(char, atIndex: 0)
    return String(reversedWord)
assert(reverseString(word) == "gfedcba")

//Swap in-place, using char array
func reverseString2(wordToReverse: String) -> String {
    guard wordToReverse.characters.count > 1 else {
        return wordToReverse
    var newWord = Array(wordToReverse.characters)
    let maxIndex = newWord.count - 1
    for i in 0...maxIndex {
        if i > maxIndex - i {
        (newWord[i], newWord[maxIndex - i]) = (newWord[maxIndex - i], newWord[i])
    return String(newWord)

assert(reverseString2(word) == "gfedcba")