Code snippet to launch a maestro workflow
$tracking_id = db_select('maestro_process')
->fields('maestro_process', array('tracking_id'))
->condition('id', $newprocess, '=')
$template_data_id = db_select('maestro_template_data')
->fields('maestro_template_data', array('id'))
->condition('task_class_name', 'MaestroTaskTypeContentType', '=')
'nid' => $node_wrapper->nid->value(),
'tracking_id' => $tracking_id,
'task_id' => 0,
'content_type' => $node_wrapper->type->value(),
'status' => $status
/* Code to launch a maestro workflow.
* Pass in the template ID and security token
* Once the workflow instance is launched, it
* returns the new process id
$template = 1; // Set to the maestro template you want to launch
$sec_token = drupal_get_token('maestro_user');
$new_process_id = maestro_launch_workflow($template, $sec_token);