How to perform a migration w/ acid-state
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Acid
import Data.Acid.Local
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Typeable
-- | Initial Data Type
-- Step 1 : define your data types, including deriveSafeCopy (1),
-- makeLenses, functions on state (Query, Update)
-- Step 2 : load it into acid-state
-- Step 3 : State is now made, so now migrate,
--- so rename original data, increment
--- derive SafeCopy, update methods, define migration, run it.
type Name = String
type Address = String
-- data Contacts_v1 = Contacts_v1 [(Name, Address)]
-- $(deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Contacts_v1)
type Phone = String
data Contacts = Contacts [Contact] deriving (Typeable, Show)
data Contact = Contact { name :: Name
, address :: Address
, phone :: Phone
} deriving (Typeable, Show)
$(deriveSafeCopy 1 'base ''Contact)
-- $(deriveSafeCopy 2 'extension ''Contacts)
$(deriveSafeCopy 2 'base ''Contacts)
-- {- Here the magic happens: -}
-- instance Migrate Contacts where
-- type MigrateFrom Contacts = Contacts_v1
-- migrate (Contacts_v1 contacts) = Contacts [ Contact { name = name
-- , address = address
-- , phone = "" }
-- | (name, address) <- contacts ]
addContact :: Contact -> Update Contacts ()
addContact x = do Contacts xs <- get
put $ Contacts (x:xs)
getContacts :: Query Contacts Contacts
getContacts = ask
$(makeAcidic ''Contacts ['addContact, 'getContacts])
main :: IO ()
main = do acid <- openLocalStateFrom "state" (Contacts [])
c <- query acid GetContacts
print c
createCheckpointAndClose acid
-- -- | Type to Migrate
-- data Contacts_v0 = Contacts_v0 [(Name, Address)]
-- instance SafeCopy Contacts_v0 where
-- putCopy (Contacts_v0 list) = contain $ safePut list
-- getCopy = contain $ Contacts_v0 <$> safeGet
-- data Contact = Contact { name :: Name
-- , address :: Address
-- , phone :: Phone }
-- instance SafeCopy Contact where
-- putCopy Contact{..} = contain $ do safePut name; safePut address; safePut phone
-- getCopy = contain $ Contact <$> safeGet <*> safeGet <*> safeGet
-- -- | Rename here?
-- data Contacts = Contacts [Contact]
-- instance SafeCopy Contacts where
-- version = 1
-- kind = extension
-- putCopy (Contacts contacts) = contain $ safePut contacts
-- getCopy = contain $ Contacts <$> safeGet
-- {- Here the magic happens: -}
-- instance Migrate Contacts where
-- type MigrateFrom Contacts = Contacts_v0
-- migrate (Contacts_v0 contacts) = Contacts [ Contact{ name = name
-- , address = address
-- , phone = "" }
-- | (name, address) <- contacts ]