Many R packages contain their own dataset(s) to exercise on, like the famous diamonds in the ggplot2 package.
datasets: comes with base R, which means that any dataset can be loaded using data(dataset_name)
. The most common dataset included is for sure iris.
nycflights13::flights: all flights that departed from NYC in 2013: 336,776 flights with 16 variables. It also includes a number of other useful datasets: weather, planes, airports, airlines.
babynames::babynames: US baby name data for each year from 1880 to 2013: 1,792,091 rows, 5 columns (year, sex, name, n, prop; n >= 5).
fueleconomy::vehicles: Fuel economy data for all cars sold in the US from 1984 to 2015: 33,442 rows, 12 variables
nasaweather::atmos: monthly atmospheric measurements Jan 1995 to Dec2000 on 24 x 24 grid over Central America: 41,472 observations, 11 variables
hflights: all flights departing from Houston airports IAH and HOU in 2011 (GitHub)
neiss - sample of all accidents reported to US emergency rooms 2009-2014
yrbss - Youth Risk Behaviour Surveillance System data from 1991 to 2013
USAboundaries - Historical and Contemporary Boundaries of the United States of America
rworldmap - country border data
usdanutrients - USDA nutrient database
mexico-mortality - deaths in Mexico
data-movies and ggplotmovies - data from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB)
pop-flows - Population flows around the USA in 2008
data-housing-crisis - Clean data related to the 2008 US housing crisis
gun-sales - Statistical analysis of monthly background checks of gun purchases from NY times
stationaRy - hourly meteorological data from one of thousands of global stations
gapminder - Excerpt from the Gapminder data
Bioconductor provides tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. The biocLite()
command is the recommended way to install Bioconductor packages: Bioconductor has a repository and release schedule that differs from R. Run source('')
to get the latest version of Bioconductor.
- Shiny modules to help shiny recall data from more than the keyboardleaflet
package using various leaflet plugins.tmaptools::palette_explorer()
is a great tool for picking ColorBrewer palettesinstall_github('ropenscilabs/geoaxe')
- Provides tools to split geospatial objects into piecesinstall_github('ropenscilabs/geoops')
- Provides spatial operations on GeoJSON that work with the geojson packageinstall_github('ropenscilabs/siftgeojson')
- Provides functions to slice and dice GeoJSON just as easily as a data.frame. It is built on top of jqr, an R wrapper for jq, a JSON processor.install_github('hadley/emo')
- Makes it very easy to insert emoji into RMarkdown documents.install_github('hoesler/rwantshue')
- inspired by IWantHuepirateplot()
to display them allinstall_github('psychemedia/htmlwidget-hexjson')
- Provides functionalities to display HexJSON maps based on the d3-hexjson libraryinstall_github('ricardo-bion/ggtech')
- Collection of palettes inspired by tech startupinstall_github('cttobin/ggthemr')
- Collection of various themesinstall_github('shabbychef/ggallin')
- Misc extra geoms and scalesinstall_github('dgrtwo/gganimate')
- Wraps the animation package to create animated ggplot2 plotsinstall_github('briatte/ggnet')
- A set of additional functions for ggplot2install_github('ricardo-bion/ggradar')
- Provides a function to build radar charts in momentsinstall_github('Ather-Energy/ggTimeSeries')
- Provides alternative way to display time seriesinstall_github('sachsmc/plotROC')
- Provides functions to generate interactive ROC curve plotsinstall_github('tdhock/animint')
- Provide tools to design multi-layer, multi-plot, interactive, and possibly animated data visualizations using ggplot2, and rendering with D3install_github('ramnathv/rCharts')
- allow for interactive JS charts from Rinstall_github('nachocab/clickme')
- allow for interactive JS charts from Rinstall_github('hrbrmstr/voteogram')
- Voting Cartogram Generators (currently limited to U.S. House and Senate)kable
package to construct more complex tables. It can also be added to formattable
so they are very easy to remember.