Convert NEF (Nikon RAW) to JPG image (needs Imagemagick)
@echo off
rem DANGER!! Default convert.exe system is a NTFS disk converter. Use where convert.exe and change it for imagemagick convert.
set imconvert="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.8-Q16\convert.exe"
chcp 1252 >nul
set argc=0
for %%x in (%*) do set /a argc+=1
if [%argc%] == [0] goto default
if [%argc%] == [1] goto width
for %%d in (*.NEF) do echo Convirtiendo %%~nd.jpg (2100w)... & %imconvert% -resize 2100 %%d %%~nd.jpg
goto end
for %%d in (*.NEF) do echo Convirtiendo %%~nd.jpg (%1w)... & %imconvert% -resize %1 %%d %%~nd.jpg
goto end