9/25/2017 - 9:07 PM


//Access MultiDimensional Arrays With Indexes

var arr = [
    [[10,11,12], 13, 14]
arr[3]; // equals [[10,11,12], 13, 14]
arr[3][0]; // equals [10,11,12]
arr[3][0][1]; // equals 11

//Accessing Nested Arrays
//As we have seen in earlier examples, objects can contain both nested objects and nested arrays. 
//Similar to accessing nested objects, Array bracket notation can be chained to access nested arrays.

var ourPets = [
    animalType: "cat",
    names: [
    animalType: "dog",
    names: [
ourPets[0].names[1]; // "Fluffy"
ourPets[1].names[0]; // "Spot"

//Accessing Nested Objects
//The sub-properties of objects can be accessed by chaining together the dot or bracket notation.

var ourStorage = {
  "desk": {
    "drawer": "stapler"
  "cabinet": {
    "top drawer": {
      "folder1": "a file",
      "folder2": "secrets"
    "bottom drawer": "soda"
ourStorage.cabinet["top drawer"].folder2;  // "secrets"
ourStorage.desk.drawer; // "stapler"

// Setup
var myStorage = {
  "car": {
    "inside": {
      "glove box": "maps",
      "passenger seat": "crumbs"
    "outside": {
      "trunk": "jack"

// Only change code below this line

var gloveBoxContents =["glove box"]; // Change this line

//Add New Properties to a JavaScript Object
//You can add new properties to existing JavaScript objects the same way you would modify them.

// Example
var ourDog = {
  "name": "Camper",
  "legs": 4,
  "tails": 1,
  "friends": ["everything!"]

ourDog.bark = "bow-wow";

// Setup
var myDog = {
  "name": "Happy Coder",
  "legs": 4,
  "tails": 1,
  "friends": ["Free Code Camp Campers"]

// Only change code below this line.

myDog.bark = "woof"; // Dot notation
myDog["bark"] = "woof"; // Bracket notation