git commands
# good git book
# Discard uncommitted changes in a specific file
git checkout file_name
# Clear everything not in repo
git checkout -- .
# A way to quickly move to the previous commit in a git branch. This also way for "deleting" last commit.
git reset --hard HEAD~1
# Move to the "next" commit, to the origin head.
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
# Move master branch to any other place
git reset --hard other_branch_name
git reset --hard 3k3k_commit_hash
# Undo a commit and redo (simple scenario, forget to change sth)
git commit -m 'initial commit'
edit file
git commit -a --amend
# Undo a commit and redo (more advanced scenario, like removing files)
$ git commit ...
$ git reset --soft HEAD^ (1)
$ edit (2)
$ git add .... (3)
$ git commit -c ORIG_HEAD (4)
# When in progress of developing something and you realized that it's better to do it in new branch.
git checkout -b new_branch
# you can as well use 'git stash', but branches are overall cheap and better express putting work on a side
# When moving file to different folder and renaming at the moment there is enough to by only one commit. First make
git mv file_name #and then edit file(s).
# Check how code behaves on previous commit without playing with branches
git checkout Head^
#You are in 'detached HEAD' state. To go back:
git checkout master
# Revert all not committed changes. Do not delete new created files.
$ git reset –hard HEAD
# Remove from index (repository), file remains in folder
git rm --cached file_name
# Remove from repository and from folder
git rm file_name
# Commands for creating new repo
do it always on github cause sharing and having backup is very important.
git init # for only local temporary repository
# Get deleted files into the staging area. If you run git add . these files won’t be put into the staging area to be marked as deleted on the next commit. Run:
git add -u
# Get just one file from another branch
git checkout experiment -- app.js
# Get just one file from any commit
git checkout sha123 app.js
# Checkout previous branch
git checkout -
# Pull data with rebase
git pull --rebase
# Make --rebase default
git config --global --bool pull.rebase true
# Run this every time before pushing a set of commits:
git rebase -i @{u}
# Many other
git add -i
git add -p
git diff [--cached] file
git blame
#Show the last commit which message matches a regex
$ git show :/fix
# shows the last commit which has the word "fix" in its message
$ git show :/^Merge
# shows the last merge commit
#Checkout a branch, rebase and merge to master
$ git rebase HEAD feature && git rebase HEAD @{-2}
# remove untracked files
git clean -f
git clean -fd # with directories
git commit –fixup=b92f2f0