Hyperloglog and MinHash : Implementation of a form of hyperloglog and adding capabilities of MinHash algorithm on to it which would enable to perform set intersections."While it does require extra processing power to deal with collecting all the minima, it’s possible to get satisfactory performance out of the structure for a relatively low storage or memory footprint"
Streaming/Sketching Conference from AK Tech : Contains links to videos and slides from the speakers like Muthukrishnan who spoke about Count Min Sketch
t-digest : A new data structure for accurate on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. Ted Dunning's variant of Q-digest that does some improvements
Distributed Streams Algorithms for Sliding Windows by Phillip B. Gibbons and Srikanta Tirthapura
A Framework for Clustering Massive-Domain Data Streams by Charu C. Aggarwal
A framework for clustering evolving data streams by Charu C. Aggarwal et. al.