Scalatra Socket.IO example
package org.scalatra
import socketio.{SocketIOServlet}
class SocketIOExample extends SocketIOServlet {
// overriden because otherwise you need a trailing slash for the root url
// prefer the freedom with or without root.
override def requestPath = {
val p = (Option(request.getPathInfo) getOrElse "").trim
if(p.isEmpty) "/" else p
socketio { builder =>
builder.connecting { connection =>
println("Connecting client [%s]." format )
builder.onMessage { (connection, msg) =>
connection.send("ECHO: %s" format msg)
builder.disconnect { (connection, reason) =>
println("Client [%s] disconnected because of [%s]." format (, reason))
get("/?") {
<title>Socket.IO connection</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/"></script>
<p>In a javascript console</p>
var socket = new io.Socket("http://localhost:8080/");
socket.on('connect', { "function() { console.log('Connecting to socket') }" });
socket.on('message', { "function(m) { console.log(; };" });
socket.send("hello scalatra");
// Some time passes