/* RSS Cacher
* Keep from angering the RSS host. Go unoticed as long as possible like any
* good parasite would.
* We will grab the feed every 60 minutes. Hopefully that will sustain us without
* angering our host.
function rss_cacher( $feedURL, $feedName, $limit, $cacheTime = 3600 ) {
$cacheDir = dirname( dirname(__FILE__) ) . '/cache';
if ( ! file_exists($cacheDir) ) {
mkdir($cacheDir, 0777, true);
if ( ! $feedURL ) {
return 'error: rss_cacher() expects at least two arguments. No RSS source URL provided or the URL does not exist.';
if ( ! $feedName ) {
return 'error: rss_cacher() expects at least two arguments. No widget name provided.';
} else {
$feedName = str_replace(' ', '_', $feedName);
$cacheFile = $cacheDir . '/' . $feedName . '.txt';
if ( ! is_numeric($cacheTime) ) {
return 'error: rss_cacher expects cacheTime to be integer.';
if ( ! file_exists($cacheFile) || filesize($cacheFile) <= 1 || filemtime($cacheFile) < (time() - $cacheTime) ) {
if ( file_exists($cacheFile) && is_file($cacheFile) ) {
unlink( $cacheFile );
@$feed = file_get_contents( $feedURL ); // Ignoring errors for now
// match any image URL
preg_match_all('/([http|s]+:\/\/[^\/]+.\/[^\s]+\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp))/', $feed, $imgMatches);
for ($x = 0; $x <= $limit; $x++) {
if ( $imgMatches[0][$x] ) {
$src = $imgMatches[0][$x];
$cacheImg = $feedName . md5($src) . '.' . pathinfo($src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$localImg = $cacheDir . '/' . $cacheImg;
$httpImg = plugins_url('/rss-leech/cache/') . $cacheImg;
@file_put_contents( $localImg, file_get_contents($src) );
$feed = str_replace($src, $httpImg, $feed);
$openFile = fopen( $cacheFile, 'w' );
fwrite( $openFile, $feed );
fclose( $openFile );
return file_get_contents($cacheFile);