Update the whole wishlist every time an item is added or removed, considering the wishlist is always present in all pages
* Update the whole wishlist every time an item is added or removed, considering the wishlist is always present in all pages
* Plugin: Wish list for WooCommerce
//Get your wish list element first (Replace it by your wish list css class)
var wish_list_div = '.wish-list';
//Every time an item is toggled (i.e added or removed)
$("body").on('alg_wc_wl_toggle_wl_item', function (e) {
//Call a ajax function that gets the wish list shortcode
$.post(alg_wc_wl.ajaxurl, {action:alg_wc_wl_pro_get_wl_shortcode_ajax_action}, function (response) {
// Replace your wish list content by the updated one that comes through ajax
if (response.success) {