How to create lmdb files
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import random
import sys
import lmdb
import caffe
import numpy as np
import glob
__author__ = 'PedroMorgado'
GENERAL_IMAGES_PATH = '/data4/plankton_wi17/plankton/plankton_class/images'
DEBUG = False
def write_caffe_lmdb(img_fns, labels, lmdb_fn):
if os.path.exists(lmdb_fn) and not DEBUG:
raise ValueError(lmdb_fn + ' already exists.')
nSmpl = labels.size
map_size = nSmpl*3*256*256*8*1.5
env_img =, map_size=map_size)
print('Generating dataset lmdb: '+lmdb_fn)
for i in range(nSmpl):
# Write image datum
datum = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.Datum()
img =[i]) # Read image
img =, np.array([256, 256])) # Resize to 256
img = (img*255).astype(np.uint8) # [0,1]->[0,255]
img = img[:, :, (2, 1, 0)] # RGB->BGR
img = np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1)) # [X,Y,C]->[C,X,Y]
print(img.max(), img.min(), img.mean(), img.shape)
# Prepare Datum
datum.channels, datum.height, datum.width = img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2] = img.tostring()
datum.label = int(labels[i])
with env_img.begin(write=True) as txn:
txn.put('{:08}'.format(i).encode('ascii'), datum.SerializeToString())
if i % 1000 == 0:
print('Samples saved:', i, '/', nSmpl)
def get_fns(key, target_lb):
key - string denoting train, val, or test
target - integer denoting the class number of the group (class, order, species, etc) to detect
class_paths_all = glob.glob(os.path.join(GENERAL_IMAGES_PATH,'class*'))
#print (class_paths_all)
fns = []
lbs = []
# directory hierarchy:
# images -> class** -> subclass** -> train/val/test
# class is family; subclass is specimen
specimen_count_class0 = 0
specimen_count_class1 = 0
target_new_lb = 0
others_new_lb = 1
num_class0 = 0
num_class1 = 0
for class_path in class_paths_all:
# get class label
class_name = class_path.split('/')[-1]
class_label = int(class_name[5:])
# get all file names in class
subclass_paths_all = glob.glob(os.path.join(class_path,'subclass*'))
if class_label == target_lb:
label = target_new_lb
num_class0 += 1
specimen_count_class0 += len(subclass_paths_all)
label = others_new_lb
specimen_count_class1 += len(subclass_paths_all)
num_class1 += 1
# print (class_name)
for subclass_path in subclass_paths_all:
# print (subclass_path.split('/')[-1])
class_fns = [os.path.join(subclass_path, key, fn)
for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join(subclass_path, key)) if fn.endswith('.png')]
fns += class_fns
lbs += [label]*len(class_fns)
# print stats of files
print ('# classes:', len(class_paths_all))
#print ('# specimens:', specimen_count)
print (key)
print ('# images:', len(fns))
print ('# labels:', len(lbs))
# check if binary separation is successful
num_class0_fles = lbs.count(0)
num_class1_fles = lbs.count(1)
print ('# target class0', num_class0)
print ('# other class1', num_class1)
print ('# specimens class0:', specimen_count_class0)
print ('# specimens class1:', specimen_count_class1)
print ('# target class0 files', num_class0_fles)
print ('# target class1 files', num_class1_fles)
print ('\n')
# shuffle
index = range(len(fns))
fns = [fns[i] for i in index]
lbs = np.array([lbs[i] for i in index])
# write paths and labels to txt files
if key != 'train' and key != 'val':
path_txt = open('Image_paths_labels_'+key+'.txt','w')
nSmpl = lbs.size
for i in range(nSmpl):
path_txt.write(fns[i]+' '+str(lbs[i])+'\n')
return fns, lbs
def main():
# get file names and lables
target_lb = 1
train_fns, train_lbs = get_fns('train', target_lb)
val_fns, val_lbs = get_fns('val', target_lb)
test1_fns, test1_lbs = get_fns('test1', target_lb) # same specimen
# write lmdb files
write_caffe_lmdb(train_fns, train_lbs, 'train.LMDB')
write_caffe_lmdb(val_fns, val_lbs, 'val.LMDB')
write_caffe_lmdb(test1_fns, test1_lbs, 'test1.LMDB')
if __name__ == '__main__':
2. which files to make lmdb for
3. path hierarchy