12/30/2012 - 11:37 AM

Setup documentation for EasyWeave

Setup documentation for EasyWeave

// I am going to comment each snippet and tell you where it should go!

// 1. Put this code on the page *after* customers login. I believe this is the account page? 
_veroq.push(['user', {id: 'replace-with-customers-email', email: 'replace-with-customers-email'}]);
_veroq.push(['track', 'logged in']);

// 2. Track when customers view a product (put this on ALL product pages)
_veroq.push(['track', 'viewed product', {name: 'replace-with-product-title', url: 'replace-with-link-to-product', image_url: 'replace-with-link-to-image-url'}]);

// 3. Track when customers add a product to the cart. You'll want to add this to ALL product pages. I have coded this so that it adds when someone clicks the 'Add to cart' button.
  _veroq.push(['track', 'added product to cart', {name: 'replace-with-product-title', url: 'replace-with-link-to-product', image_url: 'replace-with-link-to-image-url'}]);

// 4. Track when customers view the cart. Add this to
_veroq.push(['track', 'viewed cart']);

// 5. Track when customers begin checkout. Add this to
_veroq.push(['track', 'begins checkout']);

// 6. Track when a customer completes checkout. Add this to the THANK YOU or confirmation page. I can't see this *exact* page without actually buying something!
_veroq.push(['track', 'completes checkout']);