5/14/2015 - 5:34 AM

site.yml for vccw

site.yml for vccw

# encoding: utf-8
# vim: ft=ruby expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2

# General Settings
wp_box: miya0001/vccw
chef_cookbook_path: ./provision

# Virtual Machine Settings
memory: 512
cpus: 1

# Network Settings
hostname: wordpress.local
sync_folder: 'www/wordpress'

# WordPress Settings
version: latest
lang: en_US
title: Welcome to the VCCW
multisite: false
rewrite_structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/

# WordPress Path
document_root: '/var/www/wordpress'
wp_home: ''     # Path to the WP_HOME like "wp"
wp_siteurl: ''  # Path to the WP_SITEURL like "wp"

# WordPress User
admin_user: admin
admin_pass: admin
admin_email: vccw@example.com

# WordPress Database
db_prefix: wp_
db_host: localhost

# WordPress Default Plugins
# Plugin's slug or url to the plugin's slug.
  - dynamic-hostname
  - wp-total-hacks
  - tinymce-templates
  - debug-bar
  - debug-bar-extender
  - plugin-check
  - theme-check
  - wp-multibyte-patch
  - monster-widget
  - developer

# WordPress Default Theme
# Theme's slug or url to the theme's .zip.
theme: ''

# WordPress Options
  blogdescription: Hello VCCW.
  timezone_string: Asia/Tokyo

# The values of wp-config.php
force_ssl_admin: false
wp_debug: true
savequeries: false

# Theme unit testing
theme_unit_test: true
theme_unit_test_uri: https://wpcom-themes.svn.automattic.com/demo/theme-unit-test-data.xml
# theme_unit_test_uri: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jawordpressorg/theme-test-data-ja/master/wordpress-theme-test-date-ja.xml

# DB will be reset when provision
reset_db_on_provision: true

# Are you hurrying a lot?
disable_vccw_cookbook: false