11/12/2016 - 6:03 PM

def effective_n(trace_dict):

    def get_vhat(x):
        # number of chains is last dim (-1)
        # chain samples are second to last dim (-2)
        num_samples = x.shape[-2]

        # Calculate between-chain variance
        B = num_samples * np.var(np.mean(x, axis=-2), axis=-1, ddof=1)

        # Calculate within-chain variance
        W = np.mean(np.var(x, axis=-2, ddof=1), axis=-1)

        # Estimate of marginal posterior variance
        Vhat = W * (num_samples - 1) / num_samples + B / num_samples

        return Vhat

    def get_neff(x, Vhat):
        num_chains = x.shape[-1]
        num_samples = x.shape[-2]

        negative_autocorr = False
        t = 1

        rho = np.ones(num_samples)
        # Iterate until the sum of consecutive estimates of autocorrelation is
        # negative
        while not negative_autocorr and (t < num_samples):

            variogram = np.mean((x[t:, :] - x[:-t, :])**2)
            rho[t] = 1. - variogram / (2. * Vhat)

            if not t % 2:
                negative_autocorr = sum(rho[t - 1:t + 1]) < 0

            t += 1

        return min(num_chains * num_samples,
                   int(num_chains * num_samples / (1. + 2 * rho[1:t].sum())))

    n_eff = {}
    for var in trace_dict:
        x = trace_dict[var]

        # make sure to handle scalars correctly - add extra dim if needed
        if len(x.shape) == 2:
            is_scalar = True
            is_scalar = False

        # now we are going to transpose all dims - makes the loop below
        # easier by moving the axes of the variable to the front instead
        # of the chain and sample axes
        x = x.transpose()

        Vhat = get_vhat(x)

        # get an array the same shape as the var
        _n_eff = np.zeros(x.shape[:-2])

        # iterate over tuples of indices of the shape of var
        for tup in np.ndindex(*list(x.shape[:-2])):
            _n_eff[tup] = get_neff(x[tup], Vhat[tup])

        # we could be using np.squeeze here, but we don't want to squeeze
        # out dummy dimensions that a user inputs
        if is_scalar:
            n_eff[var] = _n_eff[0]
            # make sure to transpose the dims back
            n_eff[var] = np.transpose(_n_eff)

    return n_eff