1/6/2011 - 6:07 PM

List of JS game engines. You can find a wikified version at Feel free to modify that. I

List of JS game engines. You can find a wikified version at Feel free to modify that. I sync it here every once in a while.

IMPORTANT! Remember to check out the wiki page at for the most up to date version. There's also a "notes" column in the table but it simply does not fit there... Check out the raw version to see it.

This table contains primarily HTML5 based game engines and frameworks. You might also want to check out the [[Feature Matrix|Game-Engine-Feature-Matrix]], [[Game Resources]] and [[Scene Graphs]].

NameSize (KB)LicenseTypeUnit TestsDocsRepositoryNotes
Akihabara453GPL2, MITClassic RepronoAPIgithubIntended for making classic arcade-style games in JS+HTML5
AllBinary PlatformPlatform DependentAllBinary2D/2.5D/3DnoAPIgithubJ2ME, Android, J2SE, HTML5, and more in 2013 (Adobe/Flash and Native)
bdgegithubBadly Design Game Engine, an HTML5 Javascript game engine Demo.
CanvexFPSAn experimental browser-based FPS game engine in the HTML tag. Created in 2006
ChesterGLMIT2D (WebGL/Canvas),iso,orthotestsgithubChesterGL is a simple scene-based 2d rendering engine, with full support for WebGL and a simple (automatic) fallback to canvas when there's no WebGL support. Support time-based actions and animations as well as TMX files and spritesheets.
ClanFXTile basedclanfx is a 2D, tile-based Javascript game engine developed using Javascript and CSS. It currently works in Firefox, Epiphany and Opera browsers. Features include many animated sprites, spell effects, buildings, tiles/textures and basic game AI.
Cocos2DMIT2DAPIgithubCocos2d-javascript is a 2D game/graphics engine based on cocos2d-iphone but designed to run in the web browser. It uses the latest features available in HTML 5 allowing real-time rendering of 2D graphics without the need for plug-ins such as Adobe Flash
cssgameengineJavascript Game Engine with CSS. Aimed for beginners
Effect GamesEffect Games provides free, online tools for building, sharing and playing your own browser based games.
enchant.jsGPL, MIT
EntityJS27kbMIT2DyesAPIgithubFlexible javascript game engine utlizing entity-component design. Supports sprites, animation, collision, keyboard, mouse, math and more.
FlaxApache 2.0Not released yet. Uses GWT and HTML5. Focus on web-based gaming for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. About
GameJs20-80KBMIT2DyesAPI. Tutorialgithubsimilar to PyGame (easy) for Canvas only. CommonJs modules. Comes with development server (only Java needed).
gameQueryMITAPI. DocsgithubgameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It's still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions.
GammaJSMIT2.5D PlatformTestsAPI. Tutorials. TopicsgithubGamma is a new Javascript library which can be used to create 2.5D platform games for a web browser using the power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and WebGL.
Gamvas Web40KBMIT2DNoDocs APIgoogle codeJavascript / HTML5 Game Framework with Box2D physics integration. Demos
GladiusMIT3DyesgithubModular 3D engine, w/ entity/component system, event system, extension framework
gTileTile based
The GMP Javascript Game EngineGPL2, MITAPI. ManualEmphasis on speed and simplicity, "easy to learn and use"
HydraxMITgithubHaxe port of the PushButton Engine, works with js (css and canvas), flash, and soon C++.
ingenioJS<2KBGPL2D/2.5D RPG Engineyes,includedgithubJavaScript / HTML5 RPG Game Engine. Its structure allows independent rendering methods, such as WebGL, Canvas or DOM Elements. By default it makes usage of DOM Elements and a 2D environment. Currently Tile-Based and 2D, can be easily used for 2.5D and other Rendering Methods.
j5g3GPLv3githubStill WIP
The Javascript 2D Game EngineGPLEmphasis on gravity/physics/collision detection; uses HTML5 Canvas and ExplorerCanvas for IE support. Focus on limiting CPU usage.
Jaws33KB (minified), 86KB (full)LGPL2DTest SuiteyesgithubJaws is a HTML5 2D game development library written in javascript. Sprite, viewport, gameLoop, input handling etc. The core to create a 2D game. Comes with examples.
Jest30KB (minified), 58KB (full)MIT2Dnot yetDemosgithubJest provides a way to rapidly create JavaScript (HTML5) games using the canvas element. Includes a few samples currently with more on the way.
jGenIsometricwikigoogle codeAn attempt to recreate "old school" isometric techniques in the modern web browsers without using a canvas, with only JavaScript and HTML. Map editor online demo
Jomoho JSMIT2DgithubFramework for quick game sketching. features: preloading, animations, sound, input, tile Engine, fullscreen, requirejs asynchronous modules
jsGameSoupLGPLv32DAPIbazaar / google codeCross browser event handling. Game entity management. Rudimentary polygon, box, circle collision detection. Sprite management. Fast, deterministic random number generator. Networking (ajax) abstraction layer. Basic cookie management. Auto-init to launch code attached to a specific HTML canvas.
js-vergeMIT2DgithubA javascript game engine largely based on (and importing file assets from) the VERGE game engine. Demo
LimeJSApache LicenseAPIgithubSpecial attention to touchscreen devices. HTML5 game framework for fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and desktop browsers.
MelonJSunknowngithubCan use Tiled Map Editor, the engine is declared "lightweight"
MonwarpgithubSimple game engine based on using dojo toolkit with box2dweb integration.
PixieEngineMITYesDocs TutorialsPixieDust IDEHosted IDE with easy import and export. CoffeeScript support.
Play My CodeFree to useNoDocsHosted IDE with asset management and image editing. Uses own language that compiles to JavaScript/HTML5.
PlayNApache 2.0yesDocsGoogle CodeHTML5 Canvas and WebGL, plus Flash, Android and JVM backends
PropulsionJS19.6KBMITAPIgithubUses HTML5 Canvas element
Pulse84KBMIT2DsomeAPIgithubFocuses on high performance 2D games using HTML5 canvas.
pp3Diso44KBCC BY-SA 3.02D IsometricnoDocsTo display and manage an 2D isometric map. JavaScript and HTML. Compatible IE6+, Firefox, Safari, iOS, Android, Chrome, ...
QuarkJS2DSuccessor of CasualJS.
Red Locomotive2D, 2.5D
The Render EngineMIT2DAPI. Tutorialsgoogle codeObject oriented. Cross-browser. Extensive API. Open-source. Supports canvas and DOM rendering. Support for Touch Input. Box2DJS Physics Engine Features
Rosewood2DgithubRosewood is a JavaScript library/engine for creating 2d browser-based games that are somewhat in the spirit of old 16-bit games.
RPG JS interpreterGPL2D Adventuregoogle codeFocuses on making classic Sierra style adventure games.
Sprite.js23KBSD2DHTML5 Game frameworkAPIgithub
Steppe2.5DRaycast landscape renderer, not full engine (yet). 2D canvas, no WebGL! Includes a PHP port for server-side rendering where the HTML5 canvas element isn't supported.
Traffic ConeMIT2D-2.5DgithubTraffic Cone is a 2D and isometric tile based game engine written for html5. It makes complex animations of sprites and tiles based worlds fairly simple.
Tom's HallsPlatform
vegalibLPGLgoogle codeA library and other related tools for creating games using Vexi
xc.jsBSD2DDocsgithubxc.js is a framework for HTML Canvas games in Javascript
WebSonicBSD3DDocsgithubWebSonic is a Sonic engine showcased on Sonic Retro in 2010


NameSize (KB)LicenseTypeUnit TestsDocsRepositoryNotes
atom2.8BSD2D, minimalgithubA tiny game library intended to get out of the way and let you write your game.
Crafty8.7KBGPL, MITAPIgithubA lightweight, modular JavaScript game engine to easily produce high quality games. Includes a large variety of components such as animation, event management, redraw regions, collision detection, sprites and more
Mibbu4.35KB (gzip 1.81KB)MITmicro-framework for fast prototypingMibbu pagegithubblog post
Squarepig8Kzlib2DnogithubA simple framework for learning and jamming.


NameSize (KB)PricingTypeDocsNotes
BXG1502D, Isometric, Orthogonal, Hexagonal
Construct 2Early adopter, $32 or $169 + Free Version2DConstruct 2 is a visual HTML5 game development tool for Windows. Aimed for both beginners and advanced users.
Float Engine2D, Isometric and Tile BasedFloat Engine is a 2d,isometric and tile based game engine built entirely using existing native web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Geom$692DDocsJavascript / HTML5 Game and Content Engine with Pro Editor.
Impact$992DDocs. APIJavascript / HTML5 Game Engine with world editor. Video tutorial
Isogenic EngineCommercial + Free VersionIsometric & 2DDocs & APIHTML5 Isometric & 2D Game Engine. Emphasis on real-time persistent worlds, MMO games & plugin architecture, micro-transactions, cloud-based hosting. Realtime networking. Support for canvas and HTML-based output, Node.js + MongoDB. Physics support using Box2D.
UltimateJS2DCross-platform, target mobile platforms. Box2D integration. Scene Editor. Cross-platform sounds. github
Unity3D3DJS backend

Inspired by Flash

NameSize (KB)LicenseTypeUnit TestsDocsRepositoryNotes
ActionJSnogithubAS3 like in Javascript
CasualJS215kb zippedApache 2.02D, Flash-likenoAPIgoogle codeCasualJS provides seamless transition to HTML5 from ActionScript 3.0. Features include frame-based rendering and object collisions.
Doodle-js17k, gzippedBSD2D, Flash-likegithubJavaScript animation library for Canvas. Features a scene graph and event handling. Easy to add to an existing page element where Flash no longer displays.
EaselJS575kb zippedMIT2D, Flash-likeAPIgithubDeveloped by Grant Skinner, retained graphics mode for canvas including a full, hierarchical display list.
FlashJSApache 2.0githubUses Flash development model that is verified for years. Also good for everybody who knows Flash. About
FlixelJSMIT2DgithubDemo Port of Flixel (Flash) to JS. Announcement thread
IvanK60kFree software, original source not open
Spaceportspaceport.js is 30KCommercial2D, Flash-likeyes, not publicly availableAPISupports multiple targets (iOS, Android, Flash, HTML5). Same API as ActionScript 3, hardware accelerated vector graphics automatically converted from Flash SWFs


NameSize (KB)LicenseTypeUnit TestsDocsRepositoryNotes
AvesCommercialObsolete. Company bought by Zynga. E3 2010 Aves Engine Prototype "Suburban World"
DiggyBSDgithubDHTML-based, abandoned
HydraMITgithubGeared towards mobile, powering a few small commercial games. There's no documentation at all, so I wouldn't recommend it to users, but some pieces may be of interest to other engine developers, such as: How to build a library compatible with Closure Compiler's advanced optimizations, using CSS3 transitions for game animation in a sane way, and abstracting touch events to allow the use of a mouse when playing mobile games on the desktop
Javascript GamelibGPLAbandoned. Provides relatively simple routines for animation, sprites, collision detection and control.
Rocket EngineCommercialObsolete. Company bought by Disney. Canvas support. WebGL support. Supports IE8, Mobile. Orthographic and isometric tile rendering. Collision detection. Pathfinding. Real-time multi-user Level editor. Common services required by MMOs. Demo