10/21/2016 - 3:08 PM

Set default quantity of 1 for all ET and ET+ tickets: RSVP, Woo, EDD

Set default quantity of 1 for all ET and ET+ tickets: RSVP, Woo, EDD


  * Set default quantity of 1 for all tickets:
  * - Event Tickets RSVP
  * - Event Tickets Plus WooCommerce
  * - Event Tickets Plus Easy Digital Downloads
  * From
  * Same as this snippet but also make the quantity readonly:
  * ! You may want to use instead!
function cliff_all_tickets_default_quantity() {
	// bail if not on a Single Event page
	if ( ! function_exists( 'tribe_is_event' ) || ! tribe_is_event() ) {
		return false;
	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
	<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(document).ready( function () {
			// RSVP, Woo, and EDD tickets default to quantity of 1
			jQuery( 'input.tribe-ticket-quantity, .woocommerce .quantity input.qty, .edd.quantity input.edd-input' ).val( 1 );
			// CSS to display RSVP tickets' "Send RSVP confirmation to" fields
			// Note: will continue to show even if user changes quantity to zero because we didn't bind to the field to continually watch it
			jQuery( 'tr.tribe-tickets-meta-row' ).show();
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'cliff_all_tickets_default_quantity' );