2/12/2019 - 8:41 AM

e2e test

e2e test

/// <reference types="cypress" />

// constants
const TODO_ITEM_ONE = "Learn some Vue JS";
let TODO_ITEM_TWO = "Create tests with";
let TODO_ITEM_THREE = "Apply applitools visual testing";

describe("Todo App Test Suite", () => {
  // before each test, make sure to visit the home page of the app
  beforeEach(() => {
    cy.visit("/"); // "baseUrl" is defined in cypress.json file

  context("Add todos", () => {
    it.only("should allow me to add todo items", () => {
      // create one todo item
      cy.get("[data-cy=todo-input]") // grab the input textbox
        .type(TODO_ITEM_ONE) // type the title of the todo
        .type("{enter}"); // press enter

      // verify the item was added
      cy.get("[data-cy=todo-list] li")
        .eq(0) // first li
        .should("contain", TODO_ITEM_ONE);

      // create one todo item

      // verify the item was added
      cy.get("[data-cy=todo-list] li")
        .eq(1) // second li
        .should("contain", TODO_ITEM_TWO);

      // create one todo item

      // verify the item was added
      cy.get("[data-cy=todo-list] li")
        .eq(2) // third li
        .should("contain", TODO_ITEM_THREE);

      // verify the count is correct
