laravel titles
namespace App\Http\ViewComposers;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use App\Http\Requests;
class TitleComposer
* Array of controllers' names with empty title in view
* like as 'UserController'
* @var array
private $exceptControllers = [
* Array of actions' names with empty title in view
* like as 'UserController@index'
* @var array
private $exceptActions = [];
* Bind 'title' to the view if it doesn't exist
* @param View $view
* @return void
public function compose(View $view) {
if ($view->offsetExists('title')) {
$title = $this->getTitle($view);
$view->with('title', $title);
* Return title text
* @param Illuminate\View\View $view
* @return string Text for the title or empty sting
private function getTitle($view) {
$actionArray = app('request')->route()->getAction();
$controllerAndMethod = class_basename($actionArray['controller']);
list($controller, $action) = explode('@', $controllerAndMethod);
$entity = str_replace('Controller', '', $controller);
if (in_array($controller, $this->exceptControllers)) {
return '';
if (in_array($controllerAndMethod, $this->exceptActions)) {
return '';
if ($action == 'index') {
return str_plural($entity);
if ($action == 'show' && $view->offsetExists(strtolower($entity))) {
if ($view->offsetGet(strtolower($entity))->name != null) {
return $view->offsetGet(strtolower($entity))->name;
return '';
return ucfirst($action) . ' ' .strtolower($entity);