LaTeX code for algo that simulates inhibitions with model averaging.
Let $X$ be node in the causal graph. Given model averaging results M, let $P_M(Y\leftrightarrow X)$, $P_M(Y \rightarrow X)$ be, respectively, the proportion of times an edge between Y and X appears, the proportion of times when it does appear, the edge is directed from Y to X. Let $I_X$ be an inhibition on X. Then given model averaging results M, we simulate the effect of $I_X$, producing model averaging results $M_{I_X}$. The simulation uses the following algorithm (pseudocode):
\caption{Simulate Inhibition}\label{euclid}
\State $wl \gets \textit{an empty whitelist object}$
\For{each node $Y \mid Y \neq X$}
\State $U1$, $U2$ $\sim$ uniform(0,1)
\If {$U1 > P_M(Y\leftrightarrow X)$}
\If {$U2 > P_M(X_j \rightarrow X_i)$ }
\State add $X_j \rightarrow X_i$ to whitelist
\State add $X_j \leftarrow X_i$ to whitelist
\State $M_{I_X} \gets ModelAveraging(data, whitelist)$
\State \Return $M_{I_X}$
\caption{Simulate Inhibitions}\label{euclid}
\Procedure{SimInhibitions}{M, S}
\State create an empty whitelist object
\For{each node $X \in S$}
\For{each node $Y \mid Y \neq X$}
\If{$Y \rightarrow X$ or $Y \leftarrow X$ $\notin$ whitelist }
\State $U1$, $U2$ $\sim$ uniform(0,1)
\If {$U1 > P_M(Y\leftrightarrow X)$}
\If {$U2 > P_M(X_j \rightarrow X_i)$ }
\State add $X_j \rightarrow X_i$ to whitelist
\State add $X_j \leftarrow X_i$ to whitelist
\State $M_{I_X} \gets ModelAveraging(data, whitelist)$
\State \Return $M_{I_X}$