2/3/2014 - 10:28 PM

maven integration tests

maven integration tests

Dividing tests into unit-test and integration-test in mave

We use the "failsafe" plugin in maven to run and manage integration tests.

Usually, when you build your project, you want to skip running the integration/regression tests;

So, you 'exclude' them from the usual 'test' phase by adding this (in the xpath /pom:project/pom:build/pom:plugins/pom:plugin) in your pom.xml:

                        <!-- even if you wanted to run all the unit tests, do not run the regression test (since it depends on a local logfile) -->

Now, add a the following section :


You can now run the regression test by doing:

mvn clean test-compile failsafe:integration-test -DskipTests=false

To see how you can run a single test, read : https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/single-test.html