SPList Add #sharepoint
// Name, type, and description of list to create.
private static string lstName = "Customers";
private static SPListTemplateType lstType = SPListTemplateType.Contacts;
private static string lstDesc = "A list of customers.";
// Create a list.
SPListCollection lists = web.Lists;
Guid listID = lists.Add(lstName, lstDesc, lstType);
SPList list = lists[listID];
list.OnQuickLaunch = true;
Console.WriteLine("Created {0} list.", list.Title);
// Apply the new content type to the list.
list.ContentTypesEnabled = true;
if (list.IsContentTypeAllowed(ct))
// Add the new content type.
SPContentType lstCT = list.ContentTypes.Add(ct);
// Remove the default content type.
// Commit changes to the list.
Console.WriteLine("Applied {0} content type to {1} list.",
lstCT.Name, list.Title);
Console.WriteLine("{0} list does not allow {1} content type.",
list.Title, ct.Name);