10/3/2018 - 6:44 PM

Word Count

Implement a method that accepts an arbitrarily long string and a count c that returns the first word in the string to appear at least c times.

Twist 1: Return the first word that appears exactly c times in the string. Twist 2: Return the last word to appear exactly c times. Twist 3: Given an additional parameter n, returns the nth word that occurs exactly c times.

Implement a method that accepts an arbitrarily long string and a count c that returns the first
word in the string to appear at least c times.

Input: "This boring sentence is very short and very boring", 2
Output: "very"

Input: “apple banana apple lemon pear banana apple”, 3
Output: “apple

Twist 1: Return the first word that appears exactly c times in the string.
   input "banana lemon pear banana lemon lime pear banana", 2
  output: "lemon"
Twist 2: Return the last word to appear exactly c times.
  input "banana lemon pear banana lemon lime pear banana", 2
  output: "pear"
Twist 3: Given an additional parameter n, returns the nth word that occurs exactly c times.
  input: "apple banana apple lemon pear banana apple lemon lime pear banana pear", 3, 3 
  output: “pear” (the third word to appear three times)


function getRepeatedWord(input, count, chosen) {
  if (input === "" || count < 1) return "";
  const words = input.split(" ");
  let countMap = {};
  let countMatches = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    countMap[words[i]] = countMap[words[i]] ? countMap[words[i]] : 0;
    //console.log("countMap", countMap);
    if (countMap[words[i]] === count) {
    } else {
      let idx = countMatches.indexOf(words[i]);
      if (idx > -1) {
        countMatches.splice(idx, 1);
    console.log("countMatches", countMatches);
  return countMatches[chosen-1];

//console.log(getRepeatedWord("This boring sentence is very short and very boring", 2) === "very");
//console.log(getRepeatedWord("apple banana apple lemon pear banana apple", 3) === "apple");

//console.log(getRepeatedWord("", 3) === "");
//console.log(getRepeatedWord("test test run", 0) === "");

//console.log(getRepeatedWord("banana lemon pear banana lemon lime pear banana", 2) === "lemon");
//console.log(getRepeatedWord("banana lemon pear banana lemon lime pear banana", 2) === "pear");
console.log(getRepeatedWord("apple banana apple lemon pear banana apple lemon lime pear banana pear", 3, 3) === "pear");