3/24/2014 - 7:15 PM

Examples showing how to convert to different data types in RPG (RPG source saved as Ruby code to add syntax highlighting).

Examples showing how to convert to different data types in RPG (RPG source saved as Ruby code to add syntax highlighting).

H option(*nodebugio)  
D @charA          S              8    inz('12345')
D @charB          S             10    inz('12/02/2004')  
D @charC          S              8    inz('12/03/04')   
D @dateA          S               d   inz(d'2004-12-04')   
D @numA           S              6  0 inz(041205)  
D @numB           S              7  0 inz(1041206)  
D @numC           S              8  0 inz(20041207)  
D @numD           S              6  0 inz(120804)  
D @numE           S              8  0 inz(12092004)   
d @charDate       S             10

  @charA = %char(@int_1);      // 01 to '1'
  *inlr = *on;  