2/24/2011 - 11:29 PM

Github WebHook processor

Github WebHook processor


 * Github WebHook processor
 * POST to: postreceive.php?key=REPLACE_ME_WITH_A_UNIQUE_KEY
 * @author Luis Abreu
 * @version 0.1
 * @copyright Quodis, 24 February, 2011
 * @package default

 * path to projects in server
 * server key for authentication

// parse the json payload
$payload = json_decode($_REQUEST['payload']);

if (!$payload) exit();

// check for payload and server key
if ( $payload->ref === 'refs/heads/master' && $_REQUEST['key'] == SERVER_KEY ) {
        // parse the payload for the project name
        $project_name = strtolower($payload->{'repository'}->{'name'});
        // define the cd directory based on config and project name
        $project_directory = PROJECTS_PATH . $project_name;

        // cd into the project dir, git reset and pull changes
        shell_exec( 'cd ' . $project_directory . '/ && git reset --hard HEAD && git pull' );
