Конвертируем из pdf в строку
function ExtractTextFromPdf ($pdfdata) {
if (strlen ($pdfdata) < 1000 && file_exists ($pdfdata)) $pdfdata = file_get_contents ($pdfdata); //get the data from file
if (!trim ($pdfdata)) echo "Error: there is no PDF data or file to process.";
$result = ''; //this will store the results
//Find all the streams in FlateDecode format (not sure what this is), and then loop through each of them
if (preg_match_all ('/<<[^>]*FlateDecode[^>]*>>\s*stream(.+)endstream/Uis', $pdfdata, $m)) foreach ($m[1] as $chunk) {
$chunk = gzuncompress (ltrim ($chunk)); //uncompress the data using the PHP gzuncompress function
//If there are [] in the data, then extract all stuff within (), or just extract () from the data directly
$a = preg_match_all ('/\[([^\]]+)\]/', $chunk, $m2) ? $m2[1] : array ($chunk); //get all the stuff within []
foreach ($a as $subchunk) if (preg_match_all ('/\(([^\)]+)\)/', $subchunk, $m3)) $result .= join ('', $m3[1]); //within ()
else echo "Error: there is no FlateDecode text in this PDF file that I can process.";
return $result; //return what was found