Install and configure mod_cache on FreeBSD
IMPORTANT: mod_cache utilises one of two different caching packages, one of which caches data on the hard disk (mod_cache_disk) and the other caches on the RAM (mod_cache_socache). To setup one of these, see
Open Apache config file:
sudo ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf
Ensure the following directive is uncommented (by removing any #
prefix if present) to activate mod_cache
LoadModule cache_module libexec/apache24/
Create and open mod_cache.conf
sudo ee /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/mod_cache.conf
Add the following, save and exit:
<IfModule mod_cache.c>
CacheEnable disk /
CacheDefaultExpire 3600
CacheLock on
CacheLockPath /tmp/mod_cache-lock
CacheLockMaxAge 5
CacheHeader on
CacheIgnoreHeaders Set-Cookie
Restart Apache for changes to take effect:
sudo apachectl graceful