3/10/2015 - 10:53 AM

Divide a placeholder delimited by a character into different placeholders.

Divide a placeholder delimited by a character into different placeholders.


    Divide a placeholder delimited by a character into different placeholders.
    [[*pagetitle]] = My | Wonderful | Pagetitle
    The default delimiter is "-", you can change this by passing an option to the snippet.
    [[+pagetitle.count]] = 3
    [[+pagetitle.0]] = My
    [[+pagetitle.1]] = Wonderful
    [[+pagetitle.2]] = Pagetitle

    $options = !empty($options) ? $options : '-';
    $count = count($options);
    $modx->setPlaceholder($name.'count', $count);

    $elements = explode($options, $input);
    foreach($elements as $key => $element){
    return ' ';