Learning Clojure - part 1
;; Adolfo Neto, 2011
;; A signed formula will be represented as
;; (SIGN (CONECTIVE formula))
;; I am not representing atomic formulas yet...
(defn getsign [formula]
"gets the sign of a signed formula"
(first formula)
(defn getconnective [formula]
"gets the main connective of the signed formula"
(first (second formula))
(defn TAnd
"Applies the T-AND rule to the formula.
Example: T A&B ==> T A, T B
(if (and
(= (getsign formula) 'T)
(= (getconnective formula) '&)
(vector 'T (second (second formula)))
(vector 'T (nth (second formula) 2))
;; Adolfo Neto, 2011
;; 03/02/2011
(use 'clojure.test)
(load-file "formula.clj")
(def t-and-example '[T [& A B]])
(def t-and-example-2 '[T [& C D]])
(deftest getsign-test
(is (= 'T (getsign t-and-example)))
(deftest getconnective-test
(is (= '& (getconnective t-and-example)))
(deftest tand-test
(is (= '[[T A] [T B]] (TAnd t-and-example)))
(is (= '[[T C] [T D]] (TAnd t-and-example-2)))