2/12/2013 - 10:27 PM

Remote Images Grabber Wordpress plugin v.0.6 with added automated adding of a media file to a custom taxonomy after upload. For Grapes&Corks

Remote Images Grabber Wordpress plugin v.0.6 with added automated adding of a media file to a custom taxonomy after upload. For Grapes&Corks website

Plugin Name: Remote Images Grabber updated for G&P
Plugin URI: http://andrey.eto-ya.com/wordpress/my-plugins/remote-images-grabber
Description: Fetches images from an URL or a piece of html-code, saves them directly into your blog media directory, and attaches to the appointed post. Updated with added automated adding of a media file to a custom taxonomy after upload. For Grapes&Corks website
Author: Andrey K.
Author URI: http://andrey.eto-ya.com/
Version: 0.6.1
Requires at least: 2.8.6
Tested up to: 3.4.1
Stable tag: 0.6

/*  Copyright 2010 Andrey K. (email: v5@bk.ru, URL: http://andrey.eto-ya.com/)

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA

load_plugin_textdomain('rigr', false, 'remote-images-grabber');

add_action('admin_menu', 'rigr_add_menu');

function rigr_add_menu() {
	add_media_page( __('Images Grabber', 'rigr'), __('Add to Moodboard', 'rigr'), 'upload_files', 'remote_images_grabber', $func = 'rigr_manager' );

function rigr_admin_init() {
	if ('POST'==$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && !empty($_POST['rigr_base_url']) && ''!=($rigr_base_url=trim($_POST['rigr_base_url'])) ) {
		setcookie('rigr_base_url', $c=urlencode(untrailingslashit($rigr_base_url).'/'), 0);
		$_COOKIE['rigr_base_url']= $c;

add_action('admin_init', 'rigr_admin_init');

function rigr_manager() {
	global $wpdb, $pagenow;
		$rigr_attach_to= (int)$_POST['rigr_attach_to'];
		$rigr_base_url= empty($_COOKIE['rigr_base_url'])?'':urldecode($_COOKIE['rigr_base_url']);

		$post= $wpdb->get_row("SELECT ID, post_date FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID=$rigr_attach_to", ARRAY_A);

		if ( !$post ) {
			$rigr_attach_to= 0;
		$page_with_links= $_POST['rigr_page_with_links'];
		if ( '' != $page_with_links )
			$tmpname= tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), '');
			$headers= wp_get_http($page_with_links, $tmpname);

			if ( $headers['response'] && ( $headers['response'] != '200' ) ) {
				echo '<p>Incorrect: ',$page_with_links,' - response ',$headers['response'], ', should be 200.</p>';
				$urls= array();
			else {
				$s= file_get_contents($tmpname);
				echo '<p>',$page_with_links,' - ',strlen($s), ' bytes</p>';
		else {
			$s= $_POST['rigr_list'];

		$s= str_replace('><', '> <', $s);

		$find_in_tags= array();

		if ( $_POST['rigr_hrefs'] )
			$find_in_tags['a']= array('href'=>1);

		if ( $_POST['rigr_srcs'] )
			$find_in_tags['img']= array('src'=>1);

		$s= wp_kses($s, $find_in_tags );

		preg_match_all('/https?:\/\/[a-z0-9;=_%\/\Q?&[].-+\E]+/is', $s, $allurls);
		preg_match_all('/href\s{0,}={0,}[]["\'](.+?)["\']/is', $s, $allhref);
		preg_match_all('/src\s{0,}=\s{0,}["\'](.+?)["\']/is', $s, $allsrc);

		if ( !$allhref[1] ) $allhref[1]= array();
		if ( !$allsrc[1] ) $allsrc[1]= array();
		$allurls[0]= array_merge($allurls[0], $allhref[1], $allsrc[1]);

		$urls= array();

		foreach ($allurls[0] as $u) {
			if ( !preg_match('/^https?:\/\//', $u) && ''!=$rigr_base_url )
				$u= $rigr_base_url.ltrim($u, '/');
			if ( preg_match('/(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/i', $u) )
					$urls[]= $u;
		$rigr_list= array_unique($urls);
		if ( !count($rigr_list) ) {
			echo '<p>'.__('Nothing to grab.', 'rigr').'</p>';
		else foreach ($rigr_list as $k=>$v ) {

			$res[$k]= rigr_fetch_remote_file($post, $v);

			if ( is_object($res[$k]) && $res[$k]->errors ) {
				$out= array_values( $res[$k]->errors );
				$out= array_values( $out[0] );
				echo '<p>',$v, ' - error: ', $out[0], '</p>';
			if ( !empty($_POST['rigr_post_title']) ) {
				$title= wp_kses($_POST['rigr_post_title'], array()).(($k==0)?'':' - '.$k);
			else {
				$title= basename($res[$k]['file']);
				if ( $dotpos= strpos($title, '.') )
					$title= substr($title, 0, $dotpos);
			$att= array(
				'post_status'=>'publish', 'post_parent'=> $rigr_attach_to, 'ping_status' =>'closed', 'guid'=>$res[$k]['url'], 'post_title'=> $title, 'post_mime_type'=>$res[$k]['content-type'] );

			$att_ID= wp_insert_attachment($att);

			if ( !$att_ID ) {
				echo "<br />can not create attachment for $res[$k][file]<br />";
			wp_update_attachment_metadata($att_ID, wp_generate_attachment_metadata($att_ID, $res[$k]['file']));
			wp_set_object_terms($att_ID,5,'mediacat'); //Add to the 'mediacat'taxonomy with the term #5 (Moodboard)
			update_attached_file($att_ID, $res[$k]['file']);
			echo '<div class="updated"><p>',$v, ' - OK </p></div>';


<div class="wrap">

<?php if ( 'upload.php'==$pagenow) echo '<div id="icon-upload" class="icon32"></div> <h2>'. __('Remote Images Grabber', 'rigr').'</h2>'; ?>

<form method="post" action="" name="rigr_form" id="rigr_form" >

<div style="float:left; width:60%;">

<p><?php _e('Image web addresses (could be more than one, separate each with a new line):', 'rigr'); ?><br />
Example: <code>http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lffxwnwJzr1qzm7uxo1_500.jpg</code><br />
<textarea name="rigr_list" style="width:480px" rows="10" cols="64"></textarea></p>

<div style="float:left; padding-left:10px; width:38%; display:none;">
<p style="margin:0 0 0 0 !important"><?php _e('File size limit', 'rigr'); ?> <input type="text" name="rigr_max_size" value="<?php echo get_site_option('fileupload_maxk', 0); /* for wpmu compatibility */ ?>" size="4" /> KB
<small><br />(<?php _e('Leave 0 for no limit', 'rigr'); ?>)</small>

<p style="margin:0 0 0 0 !important"><?php _e('Ignore files less then', 'rigr'); ?> <input type="text" name="rigr_min_size" value="0" size="4" /> KB
<small><br />(<?php _e('Leave 0 for no limit', 'rigr'); ?>)</small>

<p><input type="checkbox" name="rigr_hrefs" checked="checked" value="1" /><?php _e('Grab images from URLs in', 'rigr'); ?> <code>&lt;a&nbsp;href="...</code>?</p>

<p><input type="checkbox" name="rigr_srcs" checked="checked" /><?php _e('Grab images from URLs in', 'rigr'); ?> <code>&lt;img&nbsp;src="...</code>?<br />
<small><?php _e('If uncheck both the grabber strips all html-tags and finds images URLs in the rest of text.', 'rigr'); ?></small></p>
<p><small><?php _e('Grabber finds URLs of jpg, jpeg, gif, png files, sample:', 'rigr'); ?> http://domain.tld/path/myimage.jpg</small></p>

<div style="clear:both;display:none;">
<p><?php _e('Or the URL of a page that has links to images:', 'rigr'); ?>

<input type="text" name="rigr_page_with_links" size="60" /></p>

<?php if ( isset($_GET['post_id']) )
	echo '<input type="hidden" name="rigr_attach_to" value="'.((int)$_GET['post_id']).'" />';
	echo '<p>'.__('The post ID where images should be attached to:', 'rigr').' <input type="text" name="rigr_attach_to" value="0" size="5" /> <small><br />'. __('if not set then images will be unattached', 'rigr').'</small></p>'; ?>

<p><?php _e('The title for a file or file group:', 'rigr'); ?> <input type="text" name="rigr_post_title"  size="50" />
<small><br />(<?php _e('if not set, files names are used', 'rigr'); ?>)</small>

<p><?php _e('Base URL for relative paths:', 'rigr'); ?> <input type="text" value="<?php
	echo empty($_COOKIE['rigr_base_url'])?'':urldecode($_COOKIE['rigr_base_url']); ?>" name="rigr_base_url" size="50" />
<small><br />(<?php _e('if empty, then plugin only absolute URLs grabs', 'rigr'); ?>)</small>

<p style="clear:both;"><input type="submit" style="width:80px;" class="button-primary" name="Submit" value=" <?php _e('Go!', 'rigr') ?> " /></p>


/* -- after the example of a function from wp-admin/import/wordpress.php:~666 -- */

function rigr_fetch_remote_file($post, $url) {
		$url2= str_replace('&amp;', '&', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url));
		preg_match('/[a-z0-9;=_%\Q?&.-+[]\E]+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)/i', $url2, $pu);
		$file_name= str_replace('%25', '-', $pu[0]);
		$file_name= preg_replace('/[;=%\Q?&-+\E]+/i', '-', $file_name);
		$file_name= (strlen($file_name)>255)? substr($file_name, 180): $file_name;

		$upload = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, 0, '', $post['post_date']);

		if ( $upload['error'] ) {
			echo $upload['error'];
			return new WP_Error( 'upload_dir_error', $upload['error'] );

		$headers = wp_get_http($url2, $upload['file']);

		if ( !$headers ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __('Remote server did not respond', 'rigr') );

		if ( $headers['response'] != '200' ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', sprintf(__('Remote server says: %1$d %2$s', 'rigr'), $headers['response'], get_status_header_desc($headers['response']) ) );
		elseif ( isset($headers['content-length']) && filesize($upload['file']) != $headers['content-length'] ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', __('Remote file is incorrect size', 'rigr') );

		$min_size = max( (float)$_POST['rigr_min_size'], 0 ) * 1024;

		$max_size = max( (int)$_POST['rigr_max_size'], (int)get_site_option('fileupload_maxk') )*1024;

/* -- fileupload_maxk for wpmu compatibility -- */

		$file_size= filesize($upload['file']);

		if ( !empty($max_size) && $file_size > $max_size ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', sprintf(__('Remote file is %1$d KB but limit is %2$d', 'rigr'), $file_size/1024, $max_size/1024) );
		elseif ( !empty($min_size) && $file_size < $min_size ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'import_file_error', sprintf(__('Remote file size is less then %1$d KB', 'rigr'), $min_size/1024) );

/* -- This check is for wpmu compatibility -- */
		if ( function_exists('get_space_allowed') ) {
			$space_allowed = 1048576 * get_space_allowed();
			$space_used = get_dirsize( BLOGUPLOADDIR );
			$space_left = $space_allowed - $space_used;

			if ( $space_left < 0 ) {
				return new WP_Error( 'not_enough_diskspace', sprintf(__('You have %1$d KB diskspace used but %2$d allowed.', 'rigr'), $space_used/1024, $space_allowed/1024) );


		$upload['content-type']= $headers['content-type'];
		return $upload;

function rigr_media_tab($arr) {
	$arr['grabber'] = __('Images Grabber');
	return $arr;

add_filter('media_upload_tabs', 'rigr_media_tab');

function rigr_grabber($type = 'grabber') {

function rigr_grabber_page() {
    return wp_iframe( 'rigr_grabber');

add_action('media_upload_grabber', 'rigr_grabber_page');

function rigr_add_style() {
	global $wp_styles;
	if ( isset($_GET['tab']) && 'grabber'==$_GET['tab'] )
		$wp_styles->concat .= 'media,';

	return true;

add_action('print_admin_styles', 'rigr_add_style');