Add update to GIT repository
With an already defined/initialised GIT repository for a project, go to GIT repo directory in the project (most likely in the projects root where the .gitignore is). Add all new files (that are not being ignored) and any that have changed with:
git add -A
Add a tags (like the current version of the software) before committing it to the repository (it is also a good idea to have a more detailed break down of changes in a file within the project):
git tag v0.0.1
Check the GIT repository’s tags (to ensure the tag was added successfully) with:
git tag
Commit any changes to the local repository (change message information as needed, this example gives the version that corresponds to a more detailed update log in a file within the project) with:
git commit -m 'v0.0.1’
Push to predefined remote repository (like BitBucket or GitHub), with:
git push origin master