const firstNonRepeatingChar = (s) => {
var result = false;
while(s) {
var l = s.length,
c = s.charAt(0),
regex = new RegExp(c, "gi");
s = s.replace(regex, "");
if (s.length === l - 1) { ///if string.length === l(ref) - 1
result = c;
} else {
return "sorry";
return result;
const bird = firstNonRepeatingChar('Uber for horses');
// const baba = nonRepeatingChar("BABA");
// const ala = nonRepeatingChar("ALAMABA");
// const xx = nonRepeatingChar("XXXXXXX");
///For this algorithm problem (non-repeated character),\\our goal is to return the first non-repeating character\\(given an arbitrary input string).\\\\For strings with all repeats, we will return a default word\\(in this case ‘sorry’).\\\\Example inputs/outputs:\\\\input: “ABCDBIRDUP”\\output: “A”\\\\input: “ALAMABA”\\output: “L”\\\\input: “XXXXXXX”\\output: “sorry”\\\\input: “BABA”\\output: “sorry”
// nonRepeatingChar :: String -> String
function nonRepeatingChar(str){
let foundRepeat = false;
while(result) {
charCount[str[i]] = 'More Than One';
} else {
charCount[str[i]] = 'One Time';
for(var j = 0; j < string.length; j++){
if(charCount[str[j]] === 'One Time'){
return str.charAt(j);
return "sorry";
// nonRepeatingChar('ABCDBIRDUP');
// nonRepeatingChar("ALAMABA")
// nonRepeatingChar("XXXXXXX")
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