A example of scrapper using asyncio and aiohttp
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import bs4
import tqdm
def get(*args, **kwargs):
response = yield from aiohttp.request('GET', *args, **kwargs)
return (yield from response.read_and_close(decode=True))
def wait_with_progress(coros):
for f in tqdm.tqdm(asyncio.as_completed(coros), total=len(coros)):
yield from f
def first_magnet(page):
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(page)
a = soup.find('a', title='Download this torrent using magnet')
return a['href']
def print_magnet(query):
url = 'http://thepiratebay.se/search/{}/0/7/0'.format(query)
with (yield from sem):
page = yield from get(url, compress=True)
magnet = first_magnet(page)
print('{}: {}'.format(query, magnet))
distros = ['archlinux', 'ubuntu', 'debian']
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(5)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
f = asyncio.wait([print_magnet(d) for d in distros])