How to add icons to Zozi's fontpack
###Load the current fontpack into the Icomoon App
###Acquire SVGs of your new icons ####If you have a sketch file:
###Upload the new icons to Icomoon
###Generate the new fontpack
###Download the new fontpack
###Install the new fontpack in the Zozi App
Open the downloaded files, which will look like "" etc. and rename them to "fontawesome_v99.svg" etc.
Replace the existing font files at app/assets/fonts/ with these new files.
Login to Cloudinary and upload the new font files to z/p/fonts/fontawesome_v99.svg
In your IDE, open app/assets/stylesheets/shared/font-awesome.css.scss. Edit lines 4-7 to point to the new font files (you should only have to update the file name but not the path)
Add classes for the new icons so that anyone can use them. Around line 305, you'll find the list of icon classes and their corresponding Unicodes. Follow the convention to name the new icon. Make sure to use a class name that is not already used, and use the correct unicode from Icomoon. .icon-name-of-new-icon:before{ content: "\e123"; }
Save and commit your changes
###Use the new icon
To insert the new icon, use an icon tag and the icon's designated classname %i.icon-name-of-new-icon
Style it like you would any font icon.