Get ComDoc Subject function - adaptation to retrieve subject metadata from LW Com document, replacing Unicode codes with chars. To be finished up (bookmark and search parts inside)
Function Get_ComDocSubject(TargetDocument As Document) As String
' version 0.1 - Adapted from old "Copie_CoteMat_Subject" (pre-office 2010 migration code)
' Copie continutul ultimei celule din ultima coloana a primului tabel din documentul SGC original, daca e deschis, in
' documentul SGC versiunea romaneasca. Rudimentar.
Dim k As Integer
Let k = 0
Dim odoc As Document
Dim cmR As Range, cmRC As Range
Dim Its_CommDoc As Boolean
Dim tGather(8) As String
Dim lSep As String
If Is_GSC_Doc(TargetDocument.Name, "SilentMode") And Is_ULg_Doc(TargetDocument.Name) Then
For Each adv In ActiveDocument.Variables
If adv.Name = "LW_DocType" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>" Then
If adv.Value = "COM" Or adv.Value = "SEC" Or _
adv.Value = "D" Or adv.Value = "DEC" Or _
adv.Value = "C" Or adv.Value = "NORMAL" Then
Its_CommDoc = True
End If
Exit For
End If
Next adv
If Its_CommDoc = True Then
For Each adv In ActiveDocument.Variables
If adv.Name = "LW_STATUT.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(1) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_TYPE.DOC.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(2) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_DATE.ADOPT.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(3) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_TITRE.OBJ.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(4) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_ACCOMPAGNANT.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(5) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_TYPEACTEPRINCIPAL.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(6) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_OBJETACTEPRINCIPAL.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(7) = adv.Value
ElseIf adv.Name = "LW_SOUS.TITRE.OBJ.CP" And (adv.Value <> "" And adv.Value <> "<UNUSED>") Then
tGather(8) = adv.Value
End If
Next adv
For l = 1 To 8
If tGather(l) <> "" Then
tGatherTxt = tGatherTxt & " " & tGather(l) & " "
End If
Next l
tGatherTxt = Trim(tGatherTxt)
For Each adb In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
If Left$(adb.Name, 7) = "Subject" Then
Set cmR = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks(adb).Range
cmR.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
cmR.MoveEndUntil (vbCr)
cmR.Text = tGatherTxt
cmR.Expand (wdCell): cmR.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1: cmR.Select
findNO: Set cmRC = cmR.Duplicate
With cmRC.Find
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchWildcards = True
.Text = "\u[0-9]{3" & lSep & "}?"
.Replacement.Text = ""
If .found = True Then
cmRC.MoveStart wdCharacter, -1
cmRC.Text = ChrW(Mid$(cmRC.Text, 3, Len(cmRC.Text) - 3))
GoTo findNO
End If
End With
' gsc.FndRpl "\u537?", ChrW(537), , 0: gsc.FndRpl "\u539?", ChrW(539), , 0
' gsc.FndRpl "\u355?", ChrW(355), , 0 ': gsc.FndRpl "\u539?", ChrW(539), , 0
' gsc.FndRpl "\u536?", ChrW(536), , 0: gsc.FndRpl "\u538?", ChrW(538), , 0
' gsc.FndRpl "\u259?", ChrW(259), , 0: gsc.FndRpl "\u238?", ChrW(238), , 0
' gsc.FndRpl "\u206?", ChrW(206), , 0: gsc.FndRpl "\u258?", ChrW(258), , 0
' gsc.FndRpl "\u194?", ChrW(194), , 0: gsc.FndRpl "\u226?", ChrW(226), , 0
gsc.FndRpl ChrW(11) & ChrW(11) & ChrW(11), ChrW(11), , 0
gsc.FndRpl ChrW(11) & ChrW(11), ChrW(11), , 0
gsc.FndRpl " ", " ", , 0
Selection.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
StatusBar = "Get_ComDocSubject: ComDoc title extracted!"
Exit For
End If
Next adb
End If
Else ' Target Document does not contain necessary LW metadata!
' De folosit cumva "OpenDoc" al GSC-ului pentru a aduce originalul de pe M:\Prod?
'Set groCleanUp.msgBal = Assistant.NewBalloon
'Call groCleanUp.msg_Bal(msoModeAutoDown, msoBalloonTypeBullets, msoAnimationWritingNotingSomething, _
'msoIconAlertCritical, msoButtonSetNone, "Originalul nu este deschis!", "Rugam deschideti documentul original si reincercati.", True)
StatusBar = "Get_ComDocSubject: Provided document NOT Com Doc! (" & TargetDocument.Name & ")"
End If
End If
End Function